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A star on fire!


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Well for a DSLR I thinks its ok, I feel its more of a target for a dedicated camera being a mag 10 target but 3.5hrs of 5min sub data has done an ok job on some of the details. The annoying DSLR banding issue didnt get removed in the stack but has had some cleaning up in post. I'm happy with it for a first attempt, Ive stretched it as far as it could probably go.

Modified 600D


Optolong L-enhance


Edited by Rustang
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Nice image for a DSLR.

I notice you have a 600D and get a lot of banding. I have a nodded 600D too and the banding makes it really poor for deep sky so I stopped using it. Even in processing I was struggling to remove them. It was odd because pre - modding it was not too bad.

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42 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

Nice image for a DSLR.

I notice you have a 600D and get a lot of banding. I have a nodded 600D too and the banding makes it really poor for deep sky so I stopped using it. Even in processing I was struggling to remove them. It was odd because pre - modding it was not too bad.

It can be a pain but not on every target, just one of the qwerks of the DSLR. Il be moving on to a deciated astro camera later in the year, from what I've been reading they come with their qwerks too but once mastered I'm hoping to produce images of a higher level of detail and clarity. I've been really chuffed with some of the images my DSLR has produced though. 

Edited by Rustang
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I have an ASI 1600mm and filter wheel and it is great. The only issue is having to do multiple sessions to get an image due to the weather! However, the major benefit is having a pre-recorded dark library.

I was hoping to use the DSLR as a OSC for some targets, but the banding has really put me off. When finances allow I will get a cooled colour astro camera.

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