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The Moon from 31-01-09


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I decided to have my own fight against the clouds last night, and they very nearly won.

I set up at around 5pm, and started focusing etc at around 5:45. The first avi taken in anger was at 6:05.

Having already aligned the DMK to match the up/down/left/right controls (this makes taking a mosaic much easier), I started at the top and worked my way down going from left to right - much in the way you'd read a page of text.

I knew that with the Skymax180 the number of frames needed was going to be a few more than I'd attempted before, but hadn't thought for a moment that it would take 72 frames and 22.6Gb of AVI's.

I tried as a whole to get around 1200 - 1400 frames per AVI, but some of the breaks in the cloud towards the end weren't really long enough.

I was on the last run across the bottom of the moon, maybe 3 or 4 images to get and I was having to wait 2 or 3 minutes between shots for a break in the clouds.

I think I was extremely luck to get all the frames I needed.

I finished the last frame at 6:55 - by this time I was blumming frozen, and glad to get indoors.

There are a few issues on the right hand side, which I will look at at some point - some of the frames seem to be a slightly different brightness to the surrounding ones... You'll see what I mean when you look at the image.

It took just under the hour to capture the AVI's, but it has taken me over 10hours to process the AVI's. In some cases (4 panes) I had to manually go through and sort the wheat from the chaf, just to get Registax to stack any of the frames!!!

This first image is 25%, the second one is 50%...

Hope you like


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Thanks all, makes the time spend worth it!

Those are nice. The full resolution image is a corker. Did you set the gamma >0 on these pictures?

Gamma>0??? I have no idea. Do you mean during capture or stacking.

I certainly didn't change anything like that!



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Thanks all, makes the time spend worth it!

Those are nice. The full resolution image is a corker. Did you set the gamma >0 on these pictures?

Gamma>0??? I have no idea. Do you mean during capture or stacking.

The reason I ask is that, to my eyes, the pictures seem to have no very bright highlights (no bad thing) and a lot of mid-tones. This effect is often produced when a high gamma setting (>0.5) at capture leads to a compressed dynamic range.

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