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M81 & M82 - 31st Jan 2021


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Last week saw some clear skies, even though the Moon was a bit on the bright side, and I managed to get in some imaging time with my new camera. I'm still very much new to the CMOS OSC camera so more time is needed to fine tune the settings.

This is the best of the weekend's images and is 68 x 180 second subs at 120 gain, using flats, dark flats and darks. Stacking in DSS with post-processing in PI.

  • Mount: SW EQ5 Pro
  • Scope: SW Evostar 100ED DS Pro with 0.85 reducer/flattener
  • Camera: ZWO ASI294 MC Pro Cooled to -10°C with only a UV/IR filter and imaging through APT
  • Guiding: SVbony 60mm Guide Scope with ZWO ASI120MM Mini using PHD2 with multi-star

I had to sort out some amp-glow issues by removing the BIAS frames from the stack but overall I'm pleased with the how much less noise is on this camera, compared to my modded EOS 1300D and the detail it managed to get in the two galaxies.

Hopefully I can move on to some nebula in the next week or so, if the forecasts are correct! :D

C&C's welcomed as I'm still a novice at this. ;)


Edited by Budgie1
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Getting that red filamentary detail on the Cigar Galaxy is no mean feat.

.... and without any Light Pollution filters as well.  I know FW is in the Highlands, but it still has quite a big town centre and throws out quite a bit of light.

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1 hour ago, Craney said:

Getting that red filamentary detail on the Cigar Galaxy is no mean feat.

.... and without any Light Pollution filters as well.  I know FW is in the Highlands, but it still has quite a big town centre and throws out quite a bit of light.

I'm lucky that I live far enough away from the town that the LP isn't an issue. My area is classed as Bortle 2, so I have more of an issue with the Moon then LP.

It does seem the the full Moon always coincides with clear skies though! 

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1 hour ago, Budgie1 said:

It does seem the the full Moon always coincides with clear skies though! 

So true.  There is possibly a PhD in there somewhere.

I'm not a massive Lunar fan as well.... so ho-hum....  but  something like the OptoLong- Extreme would work well with your 294MC on those Moon-lit  nights.

Edited by Craney
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