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Chalk-/charcoal sketch of Messier and Messier A


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Dear all,

following the weather forecasts, I got up this morning quite early - even though it's Sunday - to do some lunar sketching at -3°C. I had set up the telescope already yesterday evening so it was perfectly cooled down. The target for this sketch is the strange crater pair Messier and Messier A in Mare Fecunditatis. Messier A is the westerly one with its long rays heading westwards. In contrast to that the ejecta blanket of the oval Messier is spreading more towards north and south. Both Messier and Messier A are Copernican age but most probably do not originate of the same event.

As you know the craters are named after French astronomer Charles Messier, famous for his deep sky object list. I find it quite nice that he had predicted Halley's comet to return, so it's perfect that the rays of Messier A remind me of a comet tail :) 

Here's the sketch:


Telescope: Martini 10" f/5 truss-tube Dobsonian
Eyepiece: Explore Scientific 6.7mm/82° with and without Explore Scientific 2x focal extender
Date & Time: Jan 31st, 2021 / 0600-0645 CET
Location: home terrace, Dusseldorf region, Germany
Technique: Koh-i-Noor chalk, extra charcoal and whitecoal pens and pieces on Seawhite of Brighton black sketching paper
Size: appr. 20x30cm

Clear skies!


Edited by acr_astro
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