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Issues with mars...any ideas?


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Hi there, 

                Total newbie to imaging planets, and im after some help with my images. Each time I go out to try to capture mars, I get a strange half halo (from around 12 o clock to 3 approx). Ive literally had a handful of attempts at planetary, im mainly into astrophotography. This become apparent after I stack using autostakkert or registax. My equipment is a C11 Edge HD, 2 x barlow, Baarder IR pass filter (makes no difference without the filter same issue), ASI 120MM S camera. Looking at the picktures....anyone have any ideas?


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Agreed, edge rind artefact.

I have tried many methods to reduce it. During capture, during stacking and final processing. I have had a little improvement by keeping the alignment boxes during stacking away from the limb areas. best idea is to have a sharpened image and an unsharpened image and using layers combine the two together to mask some of the artefact.

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On 09/01/2021 at 22:57, astroman001 said:

It's edge rind, Google it. Quite normal I'm afraid. It's caused by diffraction and always affects the bright high contract limb of small bright planets.

You can see it on my image just posted.


Yes in the end I did find this out.............thanks!

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1 hour ago, Pete Presland said:

Agreed, edge rind artefact.

I have tried many methods to reduce it. During capture, during stacking and final processing. I have had a little improvement by keeping the alignment boxes during stacking away from the limb areas. best idea is to have a sharpened image and an unsharpened image and using layers combine the two together to mask some of the artefact.

Cheers for your help............Dave.

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