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Hi All, I have a Lunt ls60tha/b1200cpt60mmh-alpha craford focuser pressure tuner single stack, camera zwo asi 178mm, using sharp cap 3.2 software. do I put blocking filter slide in centre of movement or is there a spot to put it, or do I just put focuser, pressure tuner and blocking filter in centre of travel, or is there a setting I can put them which is near correct, in what order do I adjust them?

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I have the same scope, what do you mean putting the blocking filter in centre of travel?

You would normally 1) find the sun 2) focus the camera on the limb 3) adjust the pressure tuner.  I find that the pressure tuner has to be quite well screwed in, but this varies, and basically you just turn it whilst watching the screen until the features you want to see are nice and contrasted.

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I don't understand what you're asking. First you have the blocking filter in the focuser. I find just the first two/three marks on the focuser tube is enough for focus. Into the blocking filter I put the nose piece, tilt plate and Zwo ASI 178mm camera. On computer screen as tooth_dr said, tune by turning the pressure tuner inwards untill features are evident and contrasting. Tweak focus until features are sharp. Hope this is what you're asking.


Edited by Nigella Bryant
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Tanks booth for your replies, tooth_dr what I meant was the blocking filter is on a long tub in to focuser how far do I pull tub out of focuser, as soon as we get sun out and no cloud will do as you booth suggest really appreciate your help. 


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3 hours ago, p1taylor said:

tooth_dr what I meant was the blocking filter is on a long tub in to focuser how far do I pull tub out of focuser,

Gotcha now! I just use that to get sufficient travel to focus the camera, sometimes with a Barlow I need more travel. 

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