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Some Xmas Eve Doubles


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I put the ED80 Apo into use on the GoTo mount.  

74 Psc - triple, visual double, 29" separation.  Right on target using x20/4.10deg.  Well matched 5th mag stars, clear split, very close, secondary at 7 o'clock, sparse region.

77 Psc - another triple, visual double, this one with 33" separation.  Close match, fainter, and again close, clear, with secondary at 4 o'clock, sparse region.

35 Psc - not matched, 12".  More stars in the field.  Had to double the mag for this one.  Good split, very close, secondary at 5 o'clock.

Sigma 150 Cet - a fainter pair, 36".  The SAO was not in the handset, so I just entered the number for a neighbouring star (129482), and hit target, sitting nicely in the middle of a Y-pattern.  At x20 again, these faint stars were again close, easily split, secondary at 7 o'clock.

Sigma 120 Cet - very mismatched, 7.4".  Not difficult, but more of a challenge than previous ones!  At x80, a couple of nearby 9th mag stars showed up with the increased contrast.  The 10th mag secondary (at 10 o'clock) was spotted in AV, as the Moon and small aperture were against it!

Relatively easy doubles are still a pleasure to observe, and GoTo + tracking certainly makes things quicker and easier!

An enjoyable (albeit very cold) 1.5 hours before the Xmas Eve meal.  

Best wishes to all of you!



Edited by cloudsweeper
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Nice one Doug. I have to applaud your dedication. I looked out to see clear skies, I then saw the Christmas tree lights and some scotch by the fire and thought twice.... 

Nice to read about some doubles, that's actually the one reason I will one day get a GOTO mount, for easy access to some doubles...

Merry Christmas to you...

Clear skies for 2021


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53 minutes ago, mark81 said:

Nice one Doug. I have to applaud your dedication. I looked out to see clear skies, I then saw the Christmas tree lights and some scotch by the fire and thought twice.... 

Nice to read about some doubles, that's actually the one reason I will one day get a GOTO mount, for easy access to some doubles...

Merry Christmas to you...

Clear skies for 2021


Thanks Mark - glad I took advantage of a clear sky, and now I too am enjoying all things Christmassy!  (Might not get much in for a day or two though!)  

I like the Dob and big frac, but using others on GoTo can be satisfying and convenient for many types of target. 

Christmas greetings to you!


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1 hour ago, wookie1965 said:

Nice report if it stays clear I'm going to go out and catch some of Leo if I can. I will write some of those doubles for myself check I have not done them before. 

Yes Paul - it does pay to keep records.  I've spent time recently organising lists (by constellation) of what I've seen, and what I would like to see.  Doubles in all their wonderful variety seem to dominate the lists somehow!


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I have to sort through mine and I am the same dominated by doubles when making a list I go straight to Haas and then think what clusters are about the other night I knew there were loads of clusters and wanted to get some double's in Monoceros but the 3 story houses out my back put paid to that. 

Stay safe 


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Brrrr!!! It’s cold outside.....just come in after doing a few doubles myself, I have to say, I’m becoming a bit of a double star specialist. Had a good look around Orion, where you’re literally falling over double stars and came across Sigma Orionis by accident, a lovely quadruple system. 
I got a few tonight so may write a report after dinner tomorrow 


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