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Why have the tadpoles got no colour?

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Not been on this target for years, funny enough I've just turned the Esprit 150 on it but only got Ha & OIII so far.  Is it SHO? Looks a bit HOO. They're strong in both Ha & SII, colour wise should match the opposite side which they do.. the OIII on the "noses" will lighten them. I tend to play with the latest version of SHO-AIP now, to get an idea. Looks like you're using PI by your attachment. Are you seeing a strong green with the Ha?

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I suppose it depends on how much saturation and contrast is given to the background nebula. I've seen plenty of tadpole images that are similar but pop because of the contrast.

Very nice data though. You look as though you have sorted the problems you had with the F4. 

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29 minutes ago, TerryMcK said:

I suppose it depends on how much saturation and contrast is given to the background nebula. I've seen plenty of tadpole images that are similar but pop because of the contrast.

Very nice data though. You look as though you have sorted the problems you had with the F4. 

Yeah got the F4 sorted - borrowed a cocentre for the secondary then used a laser on the primary and did a wee tweak under the stars, a lot happier with it now.

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I managed to coax a bit more out of it by fiddling around with your xisf file. I used the Dark Structure Enhance script.

I also used Photometric Color Calibration based upon your camera pixel size and scope focal length, using CFA Harvard as the database server to plate solve after putting in the RA and Dec of the object. This has changed the star colours.

I think I have brought out the wispier outlying areas. However PI is such a complex program with many things that can be altered that sometimes one can go a little too far! I tried applying a MLTSharpen (Multiscale Linear Transform) to sharpen the stars but it looked a little too processed then so undid that.


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Final process - used Starnet then sharpened the nebula a little, did a correct stars on the star layer, messed about with the colour of the nebula then added them back together



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