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My first Venus attempt. Tonight 6:30


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Only one person brave enough to answer a "Daz" and that's another Daz!!!

OK, so I think you have over-exposed slightly, the planet is pretty much burnt out. Not having used NexImage I can'r tell you specific settings, but you need to reduce the exposure - turn down the gain, increase shutter speed, etc.

That said, the phase shows very well - well done on that!!

And get a barlow lens, to increase the image scale.

Finally, don't expect a heap of detail out of Venus!!! A cracking start though :(

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Come on guys,what do you think? Iam wanting to learn,you dont need to be gentle with me icon_biggrin.gif

OK, I'm not a planetary imager but it looks to me like you probably got the focus about right, the phase shows well but the image is far too over exposed.

Over-exposure is irreparable as any detail is burnt out for good so it is better to err on the under exposure side as this can to some extent be repaired in post processing. If you are not sure of the exposure time to take, take a whole series of shots from fast to slower although test shots viewed on your monitor before the 'main event' should give you an idea of the best exposure. Aim for a grey rather than white rendition and you will be in the right ballpark.

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Ah! Thankyou so much guys.Excellent advice. I purposly shot at a low frame rate because i was told this would give me no compression however i totally understand now that i should shoot at a higher rate with less gain.Thanks again!!

Daz :sunny:

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Well I look at the crits but I want to say its much better than my tries.

The problem is getting used to a Neximage camera and everything that goes with it.

I wonder how many of us use a Neximage camera and if the Mods think it might be of benifit to give us our own help/ results section.

Its probably used by quite a few of us newbies rather that the imaging pundits and might encourage and retain us in the "black arts"

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Yep, I'm a neximage user too.. What would be of great help to us newbies in imaging is if people give exposure times and other settings of their cameras. this would at least give us a starting point to work with. Saying that, on this forum all one needs do is to ask... :(

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