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Astro Pixel Processor Failure

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Hi, can anyone explain what's causing this error message. Trying to process 76 lights and a master dark but keep getting star registration failure. I've increased the star detection threshold but still happens. Never had it with any of my images before. 



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Usually when this happens to me, I have inadvertently included a light from a different target.  However the frames that are not correct are usually highlighted within the list of frames so easy to locate and remove.  Has this happened or is it all the frames?  Is it a mosaic or single image?

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Just speculation but are are any of the images clouded out or enough to reduce the star count?

If not already done, just have a quick look through them all.

I'm not sure if this would be a problem for the engine but the error message says "some frames"

Edited by geeklee
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What version of APP are you using and on what platform.  The latest version 1.083 is a Beta have you tried 1.082.

Assume you used the same camera for each frame.

Is it showing the same number of stars in every frame?


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This happened to me once on a multi-night narrowband image. I was new to narrowband imaging, and did not know it my problems were from acquisition of lights, calibration frames, or how I used APP. It took a bit to work through, and what I found was that some of the light frame FITS files had been corrupted. First I deleted two light frames which were obviously bad from File Explorer and restarted APP.  Then I found that another sub was being included that was quite misaligned from the others. I unchecked it in APP. After that, processing went as expected and all of the warnings went away. 

I have no idea how common this is, or if this might help you, but like you I could not find anything helpful and just tried to exclude possible causes. Anyway, I hope it helps in some way. The more I use it, the more I like APP. Sometimes the documentation could be improved, but using the program is a great step forward for me.

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Thanks. I tried updating as Wornish suggested but still the same thing. Done a normal integration and it worked but looked a mess. So like you say it must be some dodgy frames. Went through Deep Sky Stacker no issues. 

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