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I’m at a DSO site this week and having fun hunting globs amongst other things. I liked M15 as it looked a little different from the norm, it had a very dense centre surrounded by a faint glow, it was a bit different as it wasn’t a uniform spread of light.

Like most of us I have known the really well known ones (eg M13) for years and now wonder if there are any other globs which also look a bit “different”. Or do you think they’re pretty much all the same?

Let me know of any really interesting ones you may have observed and why?

Cheers Steve

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I like M71 in Sagitta. It looks more like an open cluster as it is very loose compared to other globulars and well resolved in my 8 inch Dobsonian.

If I remember correctly M5 has lots of nice star chains spiralling out from the centre. 

M13 is obviously very impressive and seeing the propellor is a good challenge. 

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Have a go at at M92.....not very far away from M13 and a very beautiful glob........my obs log from earlier this year.......

Easily seen at all magnifications. Dimmer and much smaller than M13 but Vixen 4mm (x 250 mag) showed good detail with numerous stars resolved at the edges.
Stunning cluster, possibly nicer than M13!!!

Also M2.......

Beautiful Globular Cluster.
Observed at 4.5mm (X222 mag),  6.5mm (X153 mag) and 6.5mm + barlow (X382 mag)
Best view at 6.5mm but no stars resolved, though very attractive. Quite bright and large in FOV. With barlow added to 6.5mm became quite grainy but able to resolve some stars, especially with averted vision. 
Appears to have a dense and compact core.
Very nice globular


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I find NGC 2419 fascinating. Not much to look at but it is a long way away, further than the Magellanic Clouds:

I also enjoy comparing M13 with M92 in Hercules. Both lovely of course but M92 has it's own charm.

A nice M13 challenge is to get the nearby galaxy NGC 6207 in the same field of view. A nice "two for one" deal :smiley:


Edited by John
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Yes - I really enjoy observing M92. It's much smaller and dimmer than M13, but I think I prefer it. It lacks the 'wow' factor of huge M13,  it's more subtle and less dense.

M37 is an interesting target. It's an open cluster, but more 'globular' looking than most. I only saw it for the first time, last month, but now it's a regular fave.

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M22 in Sagittarius is a good one.

Its only visible low in the south in the summer from the UK so you can't get the same clear views as M13 but it is big and easy to find without computers or a tough star hop.

M13 is high up and out of the galactic plane but M22 is in the direction of the centre of the galaxy and there's plenty of other globs and dso's in that area to check out.

M13 reminds me of freezing in my back garden in the winter, but M22 reminds me of being on holiday.

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