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Water in Telegizmos 365 cover?

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OK, fun one I figured I'd ask around about before going back to the manufacturer/FLO.

I've left my TG365 cover out for a couple of years now - it's spent the last month just protecting my mount outside while I had the OTA in for servicing. I took the OTA back out tonight and on taking the cover off felt quite a bit of extra heft and sloshing noises.

It looks like there's water trapped between the outer layer and the inner metallic layer - not a lot, but maybe half a litre or so.

I rotated it around, held it upside down etc but couldn't get the water to drip out (at least not that I could see), and no leaks internally so it's now back on the scope put away for the night. I figure it's all pooled in the bottom of the cover so if it leaks only the tripod is getting wet, and the gear inside all appeared dry.

Has anyone else had this happen? Is this "normal"/expected?

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Yes, I’ve had the exact same thing happen on maybe two occasions. I leave my scope and mount out semi permanently under a TG 365. On both occasions, it happened after very heavy and prolonged rain fall and although water did appear to get through the outer layer it didn’t breach the inner layer and everything was dry. If the weather forecast is really bad, I’ve taken to using an old Green Witch cover with the TG over it. I’ve still got full confidence in the TG though as I think the conditions I’ve described were exceptional 

BTW TG do state that the inner layer is there for extra rain protection as well as solar protection so I suppose they are not particularly concerned about the outer layer letting some water through in extreme circumstances 

Edited by Jiggy 67
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Good to know! We have had weeks of heavy rain and I suspect some water ended up sat on top of the cover as it was covering just the mount (though I tried to avoid this with my positioning of the cover).

I'll let it sit for a few days now the scope's back in place and see how it looks thereafter I guess.

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I wouldn't have thought it was a leak, more like condensation between the layers?

I would bring it indoors and let it thouroughly dry out - if it's breathable material, it should be fine.

The danger is you may get fungus growing inside, which may be nasty.

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