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A bit lost .... how to computerise an EQ3-2?

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I also have a diy astro-EQ, which I used to convert an eq-5 to goto. I bought the two programmed chips and a circuit board from Tom's website for £12.70 delivered and then made it myself. Had never done anything of that level of soldering before, but it worked first time (no-one more surprised than me 😂). 

The surprises keep rolling in as it is still going strong two and a half years later 👍. Highly recommended. 


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I'll take a shot at this since I don't need to buy anything to try it but my spare time... if I decide to implement it I only need the a box to enclosure all, motors mount, some pulleys and the timing belt... so Maybe next weekend I'll give it a try...

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I don't appear to have any contact details for Tom I'm afraid.  The only thing I can think of is to try to contact him directly through the website.  I suspect however that it will go to the same place as the signup requests.


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