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Heads up 100ed @ good price

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I won't say what i got my Orion ED100 for then :lol::) :) :) :) :p

If you get the chance to buy one do it! The optics, in the words of Astronomy Now, are 'near perfect'.

Had mine 5 months now and not a single desire to own any other scope. 8)


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That good Russ?

Better than good :sunny:

Based on the number of clear nights in the last 3 years :) and the likely number of clear nights in the next 40 years :lol:, not sure it's worth having anything other than grab'n'go setup. The only thing i'm keeping an eye out for now is someone wanting to straight swap a Vixen GPDX SS2K for a EQ6 Skyscan. Can't believe i missed that chance :?


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Put an Ad up Russ, you'll get that swap I'd have thought????

I know what your saying with the clouds, but (for me!!!) the fact I'm setting a big scope up as against a small scope doesn't really make any difference. The only think I take into consideration is if the Moon is up, its not worth setting the Newt up.

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Be nice to get a big dob down our dark site, something like a Revelation 12". An all night deep sky hunt! I think that's only thing would like now.....a big dob! :lol:

But i have neither the money or space for one :)

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I know what you mean, a 14"-16" f 4.5ish Dob has been tempting me for years. I'm just not sure where I'd be able to store it.

That appeals far more than a big SCT. Messier marathon heaven :sunny:

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I know what you mean, a 14"-16" f 4.5ish Dob has been tempting me for years. I'm just not sure where I'd be able to store it.

That appeals far more than a big SCT. Messier marathon heaven :sunny:

Great minds mate!! :lol:

My long term (ie when I come into a couple of grand) hope has always been either a C11 on a EQ6 Skyscan or a 16" Dob - together with a nice Mak or refractor for when the Moons about.

They'd both cost about the same.....I change my mind nearly everytime I think about it...

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Not sure I understand all this. I am very pleased with my ED80 but I'm planning using it mainly for imaging on a super polaris. Apart from a few wider field objects eg double cluster it is no match for the NS8 visually. I can take the NS8 out all in one go and set it up almost as quickly as the ED80. There is just so much more to see through the SCT.

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There's no denying that Martin. Without a doubt the C8 will see more.

Where the refractor scores is cool down. Carrying out time maybe the same for the C8/Mak, as you say one lift is one lift but they will take 3-4 times longer to cool before they really start performing, especially on the planets. I found that with my C8 i was seting it up and then by the time it had finally cooled down the sky had clouded. Lost count of the times I setup and took down without observing for a single minute. In the end i didn't bother with the C8. Fine if you could plan in advance but the weather hasn't been playing that game recently.



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For me, where my refractors get their use is when the Moon is spoiling the views of the DSOs. Other than look at a few of the "showpiece" Messiers I just mainly look at the planets/Moon and what better to look at them through than a long focal ratio/ apo refractor? It's what those scopes were made for IMHO (oh, and imaging I suppose! :lol:)

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There's no denying that Martin. Without a doubt the C8 will see more.

Where the refractor scores is cool down. Carrying out time maybe the same for the C8/Mak, as you say one lift is one lift but they will take 3-4 times longer to cool before they really start performing, especially on the planets. I found that with my C8 i was seting it up and then by the time it had finally cooled down the sky had clouded. Lost count of the times I setup and took down without observing for a single minute. In the end i didn't bother with the C8. Fine if you could plan in advance but the weather hasn't been playing that game recently.



Fair point Russ. Mainly, if I get in from work and it looks promising I take the scope out, have some tea and some family time and then go out to look at the clouds. At the week-end I can take it out whilst still light. You're right, there have been a few times when I've just had to cart it back in again. There have been odd occasions when the sky has cleared unexpectedly and the ED80 has been a god send.

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Fair point Russ. Mainly, if I get in from work and it looks promising I take the scope out, have some tea and some family time and then go out to look at the clouds. At the week-end I can take it out whilst still light. You're right, there have been a few times when I've just had to cart it back in again. There have been odd occasions when the sky has cleared unexpectedly and the ED80 has been a god send.

Thats exactly how things were going for me Martin. Just it ended up i was using the ED almost exclusively. I think if we started getting some good clear spells I would miss the C8. It was an excellent all rounder. Deep sky especailly. Perhaps if the climate change somehow manages to reverse itself I'll get another.


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Thats exactly what im finding Russ, the C8 is an excellent scope, but the time it takes to setup and cool down just dont fit in with my observing style. If i was gonna be sitting in the back yard all night in an observatory thats different, but when I only get an hour or 2 here and there cool down makes all the difference. I dont think i've made a mistake though, the C8 is an excellent scope and i've had some fantastic views from it. But it's back on astro buy/sell now and i have a 100ED in the pipeline. Fast cool down and crisp contrast high views. Plus to my missus it "looks" like a telescope! Also i dont know if im doing something wrong or if im a weakling but I just can't seem to take my whole setup out in one go. It's about 25kg all told! That piggyback camera mount is a god send Russ, i have no idea how i would have coped without it. Holding a C8 up high with one hand and no hand grip whilst trying to tighten my dovtail on my mount with the other hand isn't my idea of fun! But with the piggyback mount it's a breeze.

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Also i dont know if im doing something wrong or if im a weakling but I just can't seem to take my whole setup out in one go. It's about 25kg all told!

Mine is a fork mount Gordon which is obviously lighter and less cumbersome.

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