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Issue with Mono RGB Images - Mars


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Hello everyone..

I grabbed some Mono shots of Mars back on the 29/09 through LRGB Filters and I finally got around to processing them yesterday. 

However the issue I'm seeing is that there is effectively zero colour coming through after the individual channels are Stacked and RGB combined.

  • Camera Used was a DMK21AU618 via Firecapture v2.6 @ 60fps
  • Video files saved in SER format.
  • Scope is Meade lx200 7" MAK, 2.5X Powermate. FL 6950mm
  • Baader LRGB and IR-PASS Filters.
  • Seeing was Average.

Files were processed as follows.

  • SER for Each Channel Cropped and Quality assessed in PIPP saved as AVIs, average 2.500 Frames Per Channel retained for processing.
  • AVI aligned and Stacked with AutoStakkert and individual Channel images saved as TIFs
  • TIFs Deconvoluted and RGB Combined with WinJupos.

But the final image shows practically no colour. I have tried Stretching/Levels in GIMP but the image is essentially Grey.

Any Ideas on where I could be going Wrong? I definitely remember changing the filters in the filter Wheel during the Session :)

All 4 TIFFS attached.

Also Individual Processed RGBs.. as PNGs


and also the final Image as PNG from WinJupos..


Many thanks, 






020134_B_290920_Mars_mars_2_B_lapl5_ap150_conv.tif 015927_G_290920_Mars_mars_2_B_lapl5_ap140_conv.tif 015718_R_290920_Mars_mars_2_B_lapl5_ap157_conv.tif 2020-09-29-0057_3-015718_R_290920_Mars_pipp_mars_2_B_lapl5_ap31_conv-RGB.tif

Edited by mclysaghtn
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Need to convert from grey to RGB.

Converted to RGB and put in channels in P'Shop but got blue halo, could probably sort it given more time but definitely colour there.



Edited by Davey-T
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Hi again,

@Davey-T, @Chrb1985 - Many thanks to you both for your postprocessing efforts on the RGB Files. It is greatly Appreciated!

I thought I was getting a very faint washed out red colour when I tried processing with WinJupos, also I recently tried with GIMP using the Layered Channel Approach but the result is the same - very faint colour.

I was initially thinking that I neglected to change filter between RGB Capture runs like Chrb1985 Suggested, but I know I did as I was consistently checking current Filter Number, Focus and histogram each time. Also I did 2 separate RGB Imaging Runs (the focus was poor in the first RGB set) so I actually went back and tried postprocessing the first set just to see if there was colour evident, but the results were the same. 🙄

** One other possibility is that I got the Filter positions in the wheel mixed up during captures e.g. Red was captured as Green, Blue was captured as IR etc ? 😬 This I'm guessing would 100% matter when it came to colourisation of the channels?

Could that explain the "washed-out" final image? Also is there a chance that my capture settings in FireCapture were way off, Gain/Gamma etc?

Thanks again, 



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There as been a similar thread on here a few months ago.  The problem in the end was the filter wheel wasn't changing the filter.  

When you just look at the three images you posted they do all look very similar. Normally there would be a noticeable difference.

I would suggest perhaps doing a trial on a dummy target to see what you get.

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26 minutes ago, wornish said:

There as been a similar thread on here a few months ago.  The problem in the end was the filter wheel wasn't changing the filter.  

When you just look at the three images you posted they do all look very similar. Normally there would be a noticeable difference.

I would suggest perhaps doing a trial on a dummy target to see what you get.

Hi Dave , many thanks for that.. in my case I was using a ZWO Manual filter Wheel, so mechanically I don't think I could go wrong. :)


  • I distinctly remember the Live view of Mars changing in FireCapture in terms of Brightness/Detail when I switched filters.
  • The unprocessed SER movie capture files look distinctly different in terms of brightness/detail when I view them in SER Player, especially the R, L and IR-PASS Captures.

Good suggestion on testing with a Dummy Target, I could use a terrestrial Target in daytime to sanity check it.



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Hi again. This happens to me the first times to. The things is that your grey looks like a red channel. But they all look the same. So I think you light have gotten just read and IR if that is your other filter. If this is rgb that you would have a green that I smiliar to the red but different and the blue one almost always is very very dark and almost no detail.

Really hope you find it out buddy:)

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