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Another Hour With Mars


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A break in the clouds forecast? Only 48 hours since the last one? Too good to miss so I set up, got the scope cooled and waited.

I was rewarded with about an hour of good Mars viewing and another go at sketching.

I'm loving the extra detail I see when I sketch. It helps me keep my eye at the eyepiece and really study all the areas of the planet - not just the obvious dark bits.



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Lovely sketch Globular :)  I think you are seeing a lot more surface contrast differences than I am- I need to play around more with filters I think. Only in the briefest moments of perfect clarity do i get slightest hints that the S hemisphere is generally darker than the N. Glad I got to see Mars again tonight- the thought of it making its way off again has me panicking a bit lol

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Thanks @markse68

I too will be sad to see Mars recede - I'm devoting most of my all to brief clear sessions to it while it's so good.

Maybe my bortle 4/5 verses your 8/9 makes a difference when it comes to finer detail?
Putting them side by side I think we spotted very similar S hemisphere features. Your technique is better than mine though 😛 - although I think we'll both improve with practise.


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48 minutes ago, markse68 said:

I need to play around more with filters I think

Tonight I found more detail showing without filters than with - except perhaps a brief period with an ND 0.9.
This is in contrast to two nights ago where I found a variety of coloured filters helped highlight different features.
It seems there is no 'one rule fits all' in this game.

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That’s great Glob! very accurate. Did you notice Olympus Mons? I made an effort to spot it but not even a hint of it.

I agree with you about preferring the unfiltered view but I’m missing a lot in the glare i think. I’m about to pull the trigger on a set of polarisers if i can find them in stock- last night the clouds were acting like a variable nd filter which was interesting though they also blurred things so not so useful! 


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1 hour ago, markse68 said:

Did you notice Olympus Mons? I made an effort to spot it but not even a hint of it.

I didn't spot it no - but, I'm ashamed to say, I don't really know the Mars features so didn't know it was there to be found. I've consciously avoided learning what should be there in case it influences me - I want to sketch what I see not what I think should be there.  I figured I'd gradually learn through my observations.

I would say that, on reflection, I think it was impacting on my perception of that area.  I sketched an egg shaped brighter area but sometimes it looked much flatter and more horizontal - I think sometimes Olympus Mons integrated in that splodge and other times not.  I chose the 'integrated' view for my sketch because it was like that more often. If I'd known it was there I'd have gone with the 'sometimes not' final sketch instead - which would have been more 'correct'; so may be it would be beneficial to learn the features.  <shrug>.

1 hour ago, markse68 said:

last night the clouds were acting like a variable nd filter

I got that effect too - as the clouds rolled in to end my session the brightness dimmed and the darker areas were highlighted more. It was a bit like the effect I got with the Baader ND 0.9 half an hour earlier.

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