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Generic vs Name Brand

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Probably the generic products do not meet the brand's specs and therefore go on the market unbranded. B-types so to speak.
This does not mean you can't get a branded lemon, though... Quality Control is expensive.
Comparing the specs on paper does not tell you much about the quality control, either.
Nowadays buying astro equipment seems like a tombola, with exception of the high-end brands, which also means high-priced.

In short: you get what you pay for...

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The generic and the branded products generally come from the same chinese factories. You too can create a branded product - if you are prepared to order a few thousand then most factories will put on any logo you like. Badge engineering is nothing new - the automotive industry has been doing it for years. I do not believe the stories (probably put out by some of the larger brands) that their products are A grade, and all the others are the rejects.

Unfortunately there are no guarantees of quality with brand names. You pay the extra for the support - hoping that the 'quality brand' will replace your product if you do get a lemon. They do this so as to protect their reputation. There is no actual garantee of it, or of the converse - some 'noname' suppliers  offer better after-sales service than the big boys. It is I'm afraid very much a lottery if you are dealing with an unknown supplier. Some suppliers are very very good, some are pitiful, and some are outright charlatans. I'm afraid you have to take a chance if you want a bargain.


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While the scopes may come from the same factory it doesn’t mean they are the same. IE what grade of coatings on the optics are used and what extra QC steps are done. Probably the scopes from various low priced “brands” are much the same but those sold by bigger brands may be different. And are dealers doing their own checks.

For instance FLO’s StellaMira line of scopes are given the full ES Reid checkup before shipping to the customer.

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I was under the impression we were talking accessories rather than entire scopes. Of course there is nothing to stop a dealer performing their own checks, but the question I thought was were the basic products the same. Whilst they could be different, I very much doubt it. It is not economically viable to run 2 or more production lines for the same item, unless there is a very large amount of money involved. A quick repaint or different stickers put on afterwards is a different story.

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So if it looks like the same piece...whether tele scope or accessory ..and the specs match..i.e. Multi coated lens...etc...is that a good indicator its the same product without the brand..and quality checks?

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There may be exceptions, but largely yes. Certainly all the collimation eyepieces looking the same are the same, and they don't have any lenses, multi-coated or otherwise to cloud the issue. They still vary in price from about £5 to over £40 depending on 'brand' or not.

After a while you can learn to trust some suppliers more than others. Svbony are one of the better chinese firms involved. I can order from them and have it here in 7 days. Some firms here aren't that fast!

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53 minutes ago, John said:

I can cross import FLO's Starguiders, especially if I buy them 7 at a time, far cheaper than buying them new here from any US retailer.

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5 minutes ago, Louis D said:

I can cross import FLO's Starguiders, especially if I buy them 7 at a time, far cheaper than buying them new here from any US retailer.

Which in itself is interesting because the first time I heard of this eyepiece was when the Astro Tech Paradigm range were reviewed 11 years ago on CN by Tom Trusock:


At that time, $80 apiece.



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If you are spending significant money, then go for the known names.
Buy from an known astro retailer. Not a department store or general online seller.
If it is possible visit the shop.
They won't sell you a lemon if they know you will be back stamping your feet and frightening other customers away.
They also want you to come back to buy something else.
Happy customers mean they don't have to spend a fortune on advertising and sales pitches.

I could spend all evening telling you about specific 'just like brand-X' bargains that failed. Sometimes in a spectacular manner. Usually made in China.
A significant proportion of my earnings comes from people who have got their fingers burnt and need the job doing properly - in the UK by UK skilled staff.
This ranges from software, to bespoke electronic design, to production build.

Let me put it this way. A hypothetical scope factory from 9 till 5 makes scopes as a subcontractor to a known name. It could be any of the 'proper' names. Lets call it Taklunvix.
The product has to meet TakLunVix demanding specifications or it gets rejected.
What happens to product that TakLunVix reject and return to the factory? It may be rebadged and sold for a lower price.

Overnight the factory is idle. This includes all the Taklunvix tooling, moulds and test fixtures. Why not make it active and produce your own brand of scopes?
To save money, instead of high quality glass, melt down old milk bottles. Or use glass that has impurities and bubbles that Taklunvix would reject.
What about the ali sheet for the newtonians that sometimes cracks when rolled because it is the wrong spec? Well it is OK. The paint fills the cracks, until it has been temperature cycled a few times.
I'm not saying it happens all the time. But it does happen.

Clear skies,




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