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Anyone have clear skies.............


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I love severe weather... great photo opportunities been down there with winds in the high nineties photography is interesting... under those conditions... Daylight storms are better though so it will probably just be one to go and watch with the Mk1 eyeball tonight... or dig out the old camcorder...

Still I could do with a spell of clear calm nights again soon starting to get withdrawl symptoms...

Although I have been luckier than some having had a half decent spell over crimbo...

Why do we attempt this "obsession" under UK skies ?

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Anyone have clear skies, If you have could you take an picture of it and post it on here, Just to refresh my memory to what an clear skie full of stars looks like :)

...clear skies? What's that? :)

My binoculars leave home with my handbag on a regular basis, just in case there's a clear patch of sky on my my back home, whilst the days are still short ... that's the way to go for the time being :)

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I watched the images on sat24.com all day, and even at 9-10am I could see that the forecast was going to be borderline. As the day progressed, it got worse and worse. When the evening came and I went outside to check the sky conditions, about a third of the sky was covered in clouds, with the occasional "lump" extending to cover the whole sky. It stayed like that for at least 3 hours, by which time I decided that staying in the warm with my wife was a far more enjoyable thing to be doing.

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It's clear here in the midlands, but the seeing is terrible, very hazy, 400 sec subs coming through like 90 sec ones. There's a big old bank of cloud seems to be swinging up this way too, so maybe wont last too long, but it's better than nothing.

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Hi Stargazers

Well had my proper first light, last night. Skies cleared long enough for me to get my first look at Saturn, fantastic :hello1: It was small but we where able to see the shadow of the rings across the planet, Also managed to see Pleiades, and the Orion Nebula.

so looking forward to more clear nights :(



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Nice one Kath :)

It's impossible to describe your first sight of Saturn....after over 40 years of gazing through telescopes, I still rate it my first view of the moon through a homemade refractor as the best sights I've seen :(



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