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TS Binoviewer - problem


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Hi, yesterday I received package with my new TS bino. I had also clear sky and I could test binoviewer with pair of Baader Ortho 18mm. Unfortunatelly I saw two Saturns, two Jupiters and so on. I tried with different adjustment to get one planet and have good collimation, but with no success. Then I've noticed that one mounting socket is shaking and when I move it with eypieces inside then I get one image for a while. But when I do nothing there are two planets. There are aligment problems.

I've recorded video, take a look:

With pair of 25mm Plossl image is one and stable.
Any idea? Collimation problem or what?

Edited by dexter77
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Hi, binoviewers are not for everyone. Heard lots of people say that they can’t merge the images, but the looseness of the eyepiece holder isn’t correct to me & probably not helping the matter. If you purchased them new I would contact the supplier. Hope you get it solved happily & get to enjoy binoviewing, as it’s a fantastic way to observe. Thanks Andy.

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10 minutes ago, Sky-searcher said:

Hi, binoviewers are not for everyone. Heard lots of people say that they can’t merge the images, but the looseness of the eyepiece holder isn’t correct to me & probably not helping the matter. If you purchased them new I would contact the supplier. Hope you get it solved happily & get to enjoy binoviewing, as it’s a fantastic way to observe. Thanks Andy.

Thanks, yes, it is new item, I bought it in TS Shop: https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/

I wrote e-mail to shop that I would like to replace it and get new one, we will see what they say.

Last year I had Baader MaxBright and I didn't have problem with eyepieces mount like here, nothing was wobbling or shaking.

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I have similar Arcturus binoviewers that I have to keep the diopter adjusters tightened all the way down to avoid wobble and decollimation.  I also have to push undercut eyepieces tightly into the collets while tightening them down to avoid them tilting in their holders.  If I spin the diopter adjusters upward, I can watch the image in that eyepiece decollimate and trace a circle back to its starting position once it's been rotated 360 degrees.

Maybe you'll get a mechanically better unit with an exchange, but I would temper my expectations.  These binoviewers cost 1/3 to 1/4 what the Maxbrights cost, so it may not be reasonable to expect the same level of mechanical perfection in both.

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18 hours ago, Louis D said:

I have similar Arcturus binoviewers that I have to keep the diopter adjusters tightened all the way down to avoid wobble and decollimation.  I also have to push undercut eyepieces tightly into the collets while tightening them down to avoid them tilting in their holders.  If I spin the diopter adjusters upward, I can watch the image in that eyepiece decollimate and trace a circle back to its starting position once it's been rotated 360 degrees.

Maybe you'll get a mechanically better unit with an exchange, but I would temper my expectations.  These binoviewers cost 1/3 to 1/4 what the Maxbrights cost, so it may not be reasonable to expect the same level of mechanical perfection in both.

You know, It depends. I had one cheap SW binoviewer which was well made and good collimated. There wasn't shaking in housing mount. Sometimes you need to choose carefullly one bino from few in shop. But when you buy from website it is impossible. I had also Baader MaxBright (first version) binoviewer and I didn't see a lof of difference between it and SW.

Back to the topic - yesterday I gave it second try. First of all I put pair of eyepieces in housing mount with diopter tightened all the way down - then there is no shaking or wobbling. Then I rotated clamping ring that eyepieces were put tight and straight. To my suprise image was really good collimated and I see only one Jupiter and Saturn with a lot of details. There was no double images.

Summarizing, first of all it is necesarry to put eyepieces in housing carefully and straight. Secondly (as you wrote) - you have to keep diopter tightened all the way down or up when you put eyepieces. The day before I put eyepieces in bad diopter position and this was the reason why I couldn't get one image - eyepieces were shaking and were not straight.

Observing with pair of Baader Ortho 18mm is amazing!

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I would still go back to TS with your issue and see if they can provide you with a better pair. I have a pair of generic, Starguider branded, binoviewers and they are collimated at all dioptre positions. The TS ones are supposed to have superior eyepiece collets, if you cannot adjust the dioptres then this advantage is lost.

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36 minutes ago, Ricochet said:

I would still go back to TS with your issue and see if they can provide you with a better pair. I have a pair of generic, Starguider branded, binoviewers and they are collimated at all dioptre positions. The TS ones are supposed to have superior eyepiece collets, if you cannot adjust the dioptres then this advantage is lost.

I can adjust dioptres. This bino is well collimated and I'm afraid that the second on will be not. The problem was badly put eyepieces in clamping ring. This shaking mount doesn't have affect on observation. But I wrote to TS.

Edited by dexter77
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I have an older set of TS binoviewers. And have found them very well made and performance wise no double image. For the money I was very happy with the purchase (purchased used) and still have them and still going strong. Maybe over the years specs/materials change ,and quality may not be quite as good? . But the  TS ones I have , nothing to complain about, very good set 




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18 hours ago, Timebandit said:

I have an older set of TS binoviewers. And have found them very well made and performance wise no double image. For the money I was very happy with the purchase (purchased used) and still have them and still going strong. Maybe over the years specs/materials change ,and quality may not be quite as good? . But the  TS ones I have , nothing to complain about, very good set 

There is no suprise that in the past products were made better than now, today we have everywhere worse materials and quality. More over we pay more for it.
Despite this TS binoviewer is stlill made ok, it doesn't look like a cheap product. These shakings are also on the second mounting / housing with loosen diopter.

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2 hours ago, Merlin66 said:


Sorry mate, I disagree.

There are many products today which are much better than those produced in the past.

We have good quality product available today which we could only dream of when I started back in the 1960’s

Ok, maybe my context was wrong. I was thinking about astro products made in China for example 5 years ago and now. Please compare old version TS bino and the new one -  old version is made better and it was cheaper. Of course there are other causes like economical world situation etc.

A little update about my bino TS.
I've contacted wit TS, they will replace with new one bino without shaking mount (I hope :)  ). 

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4 hours ago, Merlin66 said:


Sorry mate, I disagree.

There are many products today which are much better than those produced in the past.

We have good quality product available today which we could only dream of when I started back in the 1960’s

True, but the mechanical perfection of mid-century, US made Questar Maks puts today's Chinese made Maks to shame.  Of course, the price differential is enormous.

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  • 1 month later...

A little update. I've received second bino from TS, but there was the same issue - a shaking mount. I've decided to return bino and I've received a refund.
Few days ago I bought WO bino here from one user, I'm waiting for delivery.

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