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New scope


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 Collecting refractors seems to be almost as addictive as eyepieces, but for me this is one I had not intended on getting for a couple of years yet. However my father passed away 3 weeks ago and it seems i have been a very good boy in the meantime - during a discussion with my mum i was asked what scope i would likely get next.

Like everyone i like to dream and a Tak 100 or an LZOS 130 have often been drooled over however in time i doubt i would be able to handle the 130's weight so a FC100DZ seemed the honest answer. What i did not expect was to be handed the money to buy it there and then.

So once that was banked the order was placed with Aunt Flo for the package and a Tak dovetail.

This duly arrived yesterday. A detailed un-boxing of one of these was done superbly by @dweller25 recently so no point in repeating that 👍

Once i got it out of the triple boxes all i could say was wow, its exquisite, i was surprised by the weight of the clamshell, impressed by the m8 bolts for attaching to the dovetail - very secure then there is the lustrous paintwork of the OTA itself. The focuser action is so smooth it makes both my APM and Vixen almost feel rough. The dinky little finder bracket with grub screws instead of a o-ring not to mention the adjustment bolts and lock nuts is wonderful, if only it was right angled but i know this is not the Japanese way of observing. From reading here its also binoviewer friendly which i will take advantage of.

The only negative point i can find is the profile of the Tak dovetails is slightly different from the vixen type and i cant get it to tighten up in either a Primaluce of ADM dual clamp, temporaily sorted by using a spare dovetail i had. A new ADM losmandy bar has been ordered from FLO along with a cllicklock as i prefer to use the 2" fitting. Although the twistlock clamp as standard and alloy end cap are very sweet.

So i set it up tonight in the eternal hope i might get a bit of clear sky - there was no may contain clouds sticker on the box - never made any difference the perennial clouds rolled in, still gave me an opportunity to take a couple of pictures:







Seems i can answer a question i asked a day or two ago as well now as there is no dust apparent in the lens assembly, honestly never expected there to be due to the typical quality of Japanese engineering.



I am extremely happy with the scope it will not be going anywhere other than with me ever.

Now can i just get a chance to use it please :)

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Very sorry to hear of the loss of your Father.

Many congratulations on the superb Tak FC100-DZ.

I use an Altair dovetail bar with my FC100-DL and that fits ADM clamps just fine. I also ended up moving to a 6x30 RACI finder to save my neck and back from too much twisting. The Tak 30mm finder is a lovely little thing though.

I hate to say this but the Rowan AZ100 will handle a LZOS 130 F/9.2 just fine so maybe that could be in your future still ?

But for now, I'm sure you will love using the 100 DZ :thumbright:


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Sorry to hear of your fathers passing.

You have made a very fine choice, like you I bought the DZ very much with the future in mind as I have a bad back so it’s light weight and superb fluorite optics are the perfect combination.

I have also changed out the Tak finder for a Skywatcher RACI for comfort.

I am sure you will get many hours of pleasure from this excellent instrument, I cannot wait for Mars to start rising a little earlier.......

My box did have a cloud forecast sticker 🥴


Edited by dweller25
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Thank you @John and @dweller25 for your kind thoughts. Once i can find a 6 x 30 Raci in stock somewhere i will be adding one and probably a fancy finder bracket to swap it out easily.

A new soft case and foam block have been ordered so i can keep it safe when not in use, similar to what i do with my Vixen



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Omo,

Just came across this thread, lovely looking scope!

I noticed also that you also have a Vixen SD103s.. have you done a side by side comparison of the Vixen with your new Tak? I'd be fascinated to hear your findings..🙂


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