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Hi-Rez Mosaic 2020-08-11 52% Waning + 12th and 13th


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Again gifted with great seeing, I went for maxing potential resolution.   Slightly oversampled with SW 120ED at F11.25 with ASI183MM and Baader 610nm filter the resulting 4172 X 6264 pixel file stands up well at Full Size.

Some reduced and crispy crops first...







Next up is a crispy reduced file at 4K



And for those that made it to this point....  here is the FULL size at Astrobin--->  https://www.astrobin.com/full/tojmhm/0/?nc=WestCoastCannuck&real=&mod=


Thanks for making it this far!!


Clear Skies




Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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Very nice Mike! Next time you get good seeing why not try a green filter to get more resolution, or even blue if seeing is excellent... you'll be amazed at the extra fine details you get with the shorter wavelengths 

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On 11/08/2020 at 13:02, Sunshine said:

That is one big image! I would make a poster if I were you.

Thanks Sunshine!!  I just might!   


18 hours ago, CraigT82 said:

Very nice Mike! Next time you get good seeing why not try a green filter to get more resolution, or even blue if seeing is excellent... you'll be amazed at the extra fine details you get with the shorter wavelengths 

Thanks Craig!!  YES...  I was REALLY wanting a good green.  I don't have one, or a blue.  Ordering one soon...  probably the Baader.

On 11/08/2020 at 15:12, geeklee said:

Coming thick and fast this week Mike - sounds like you're getting some great conditions.

Another brilliant image - lovely detail and contrast.  As usual, it was a pleasure to view at 100% on Astrobin too.

Thanks Lee!!  Been a great week for imaging for sure.   Even this morning was not a total bust.  :)



And, rather than start yet another thread.....  here is my effort from this morning.   Was waiting for a clearing in the clouds....  but, it ended up clearing well into daylight - 30 minutes after sunrise.  My best daytime capture (685nm filter)


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