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Perseid plans dashed!


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I've spent the last few weeks putting together a nice compact weather proof all sky camera to record this years Perseids meteor shower all based around a Raspberry Pi.

Looks like the weather gods have blown a big fat raspberry at me :(



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Really is a study in frustration isn’t it? My thing is meteors, and our forecast in north central Arkansas is a close match to the graph you posted. Starting tomorrow the chances of rain go up and stay up for the next week. Almost exactly same thing happened last year too. Perhaps next year I will uproot myself and make a trip somewhere out to the western US, like New Mexico or Big Bend national park in Texas. Maybe I’ll have time to put together an all sky cam as you have done by then.

My wife and I did lay out Saturday night and we were rewarded with 5 very nice fireballs. Only one was a Perseid, and all the rest were apparently alpha Capricornids. These were bright gold speed demons with persistent trains, and all entered from the west at low angles. The one big Perseid was a monster that took 3.5 seconds to cover 3/4 of the sky and the train changed colors several times. Naturally none of these were in a part of the sky where my camera was aimed.

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