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Sort of Good-bye Neowise.

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I didn't get a chance to image Neowise whilst it was a bright oject for a collection of reasons, weather too which is odd out here. So here is a shot I took a couple of night back as it slipped away past Messier 53. It is only a 4 minute shot with a 183MC and no calibration frames






I am not even sure I got the focus bang on but here it is.


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42 minutes ago, markse68 said:

That’s a really beautiful image Alan! 

Most kind of you to say, sort of just fell over the image by chance, had no intention of taking a shot of it, I was staggered by how much it moved in the 8x4mins I took, it moved so much I didn't stack at all, this is just one shot on it's own, no dark or anything.


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