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Jupiter with Io transit, 17 July

Cosmic Geoff

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An image of Jupiter with a transit of Io, showing the moon and its shadow, plus another moon (Callisto).  This was the best of a number of images.  I used shorter runs of 3000 images while contending with thin moving cloud, then 5000 when the cloud moved away. But the seeing seemed to deteriorate, so this is the best image.  I left the gear out in hopes of imaging Mars later but by 3am on the 18th, the sky had totally clouded over.

Equipment: CPC800, ASI224MC, ADC, processed in Registax6. Best 20% of 3000 frames.

The "Wavelet" section of Registax has six sliders. I have been in the habit of using just the top one, but adding some action with the second one definitely improved last night's set of images.


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Some good detail there. My images looked the same yellow tint to yours before correction. With Jupiter so low down, a lot of blue is scattered by the atmosphere so the planet looks yellow.

Correct this either with the yellow/blue slider in colour balance or by boosting blue channel in levels until the zones look whitish.


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12 hours ago, astroman001 said:

Correct this either with the yellow/blue slider in colour balance or by boosting blue channel in levels until the zones look whitish.

Interesting point. I'll try correcting the colour at the next opportunity.

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