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Hi,  I thinking of just getting started into a bit of astrophotography,  mainly just starting out with the planets for now.

Using a 16" Skywatcher Dobsonian on a goto mount.

I was looking at the AS1224M camera.

Now i need to get a laptop to drive it all as i currently don't have one,  only a desktop pc.

So by basic question for now is,  How big of a memory do i need in the laptop,   I plan to try to keep the cost down,  but just really after a ball park figure on what i need to be looking at ,  as at this stage i  am not quite sure as basic as that sounds.

Any advice would be appreciated.



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Re the laptop, try to get one with a USB 3.0 port.  4gb of ram is ok 8gb is better but not essential. Hard disk size not too critical 250 or 500gb.

A used Win 7 with USB 2.0, 4gb of memory and a 250gb HD will work if cash is tight. Try to get one with a good battery.

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You'll be shooting Avi files but cropped with a region of interest probably so a 3 minute capture will be approx 2.5 gig. I use a battered old laptop with a 128 GB SSD and USB 3, I take a usb HDD with me so if I get low on space I move data to it while I'm getting the hot chocolate ready 😃

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