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Astroshop.eu vs local astro shop


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Hello everyone! I'm currently in the process of buying my first telescope (Sky-Watcher Dobson 150P) but I'm having trouble deciding the shop from which to buy it from.

I was thinking of ordering it from astroshop.eu https://www.astroshop.eu/telescopes/skywatcher-dobson-telescope-n-150-1200-skyliner-classic-dob/p,15559

where I was able to get a special offer at 242 EUR using their Best-Price-Guarantee (because I found it cheaper on FLO) but I'm having second thoughts because of the long time it will probably take for it to ship to me (ready for shipping in 1-2 weeks + 5 working days for UPS Standard shipping to my country). My 2nd option is buying it from my country's local astro shop which they have in stock but it is way more expensive (334 EUR).

What would you recommend I do? Is it worth to wait 3-4 weeks for astroshop.eu which is cheaper? I'm also having conerns about further delays due to the coronavirus and about possible damages being done during shipping. Does anyone have any experience with this shop, especially recently with the coronavirus?

Edited by newAstronomer
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I think it depends upon several things.

Can you afford the higher cost?
Are you patient enough to wait 3-4 weeks?

Will you want to use your local shop, because if you are, then I suggest you give them your custom and support.
Times may be difficult for your local supplier and your custom may be very welcome.

The other thing this all hangs upon, is where you are located and how reliable and gentle the delivery services are.
Nothing is a good deal if it arrives damaged and then needs resolving with the supplier.

Hope this helps.

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The thing is that the price difference is huge (72 EUR if I account shipping costs from astroshop.eu). However, your arguments were convincing regarding showing my support to my local supplier. Perhaps it is worth the extra cost the security and reliability of a local supplier than an eshop outside my country. Thanks for your insight!

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Personally I'd wait. Astroshop Eu are good people. You may find the scope arrives earlier than stated, plus it will be a lesson to the overly expensive shop which might prompt them to reconsider their prices. That's a big difference in price, and your patience will eventually pay off. I doubt you'll have much of a delay because of the virus. UPS are pretty reliable too!

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If I was in your position I would ask the local shop for a little discount.

Also, I don't agree that 70 EUR is big difference in price considering local support you probably get if you buy in local shop. If anything is wrong with the telescope as it arrives to Greece from Germany and you have to send it back the savings will quickly dissapear as well.

Edited by heliumstar
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Indeed, astroshop looks like a good reliable shop and the delay would be worth the low price. But as heliumstar said if it arrives damaged then I'll have to send it back and the savings dissapear. Of course, that's a risk that all internet purchases entail when shopping from other country shops (Amazon for example).

I already asked my local shop for a discount and they offered to give me for free 2 astronomy books worth 70 EUR, which I already have bought years ago. They seem unyielding to make a discount. So I'm currently at a dilemma, I'll keep thinking about it. Perhaps they might put it at a discount for summer sales (starting July in my country)

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Is your local shop a walk in shop with staff on hand to deal with you personally?

If so, overheads wil be highere and they probably pay more for their stock as they buy in less than the internet only affairs. Plus personal service is worth extra as far as I am concened.

I work in the bicycle industry as a slaes droid at a local bike shop. We can't compete price wise with the big internet outlets who sometimes offer stuff at lower cost than we can buy it for. We look after our customers though. Any issues? We'll sort them. Customers do get a bit arsey when we refuse to do warranty stuff on bikes they have bought elsewhere.

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I bought a telescope from Astroshop.eu in early May. I returned it as it was poorly packed and missing it's tube rings. They did not give me a delivery date for the tube rings.

I returned it and only received a refund a few days ago. I would never buy from them again. There are only a few astronomy outlets who seem to be there to give the customer the deal that they paid for. This is only my personal experience. 

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Unfortunately patience is a huge part of this hobby. I would suggest waiting and saving the €72 which is huge. Frankly if I were you I would put that towards a 203 version of that scope. That extra 50mm will make a big difference in how bright the objects you are looking at will be and will give you more detail on them too. 150 is good but 203 is better. And in the Dobsonian space 203 is the beginning of the "my gosh it is way too big and heavy" range of Dobsonians. It is still manageable compared to a 250mm or above. The best scope for you is the scope you use. If you are looking for reasons NOT to use your scope vs. reasons TO use it then it is too big for you. 

Three things I would add to either scope: 

A right angle corrected image (RACI) finderscope

A Telrad

Sky and Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas 

The RACI will make it easier on your neck when you are star hopping. The Telrad will really help with star hopping too. And the Pocket Sky Atlas is an inexpensive map of the night sky broken out by season of the year that provides you a map of how to get to an object. It also has directions to make tools to work with a finderscope and a Telrad to figure out how to make the hops you need to and what you will see in each as you hop.




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