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Should It Stay or Should it Go ?- Thinking of Selling Scope


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Since buying the Scopetech 80mm f/15 frac I am not sure if I should keep the Omegon f/15 127 mak. The Omegon is a very nice little mak indeed but given a choice between using it or the ScopeTech the ScopeTech wins every time. I just simply like it better. There are plenty of reasons for keeping the mak such as it’s compact size and portability but the cash would come in handy for some other bits.

Hmmmmmm............. decisions, decisions. 🤔

What would you do?


Edited by johninderby
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If it stays, there will be trouble. And If it goes it will be double. So, come on and let us know! Should it stay or should it go?

This indecision's buggin' me!
If you don't want it, set it free!
Exactly whom it's supposed to be?
Don't you know which 'scope even fit me? 
Come on and let us know 
Should it cool it or should it blow?

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Well my view would be to keep it. It’s not only portable but very useable, versatile and has much more to offer than the frac! Whoops ...can of worms opened!

i have, two fracs, one 125 etx and now also a newt of a particular pedigree.

The etx has been more a joy to use than the 80mm frac, more light gathering....obviously. But if needs must, swap it for those bits you require, I feel it will be you who’s losing though.

There you go, an opinion to balance things up...lol.



Edited by Chaz2b
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