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17 Umi direct vision...


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We have had a few days of heavy rain and thunderstorms which have cleaned the sky - tonight was super transparent with the sky offering 17 Umi at 6.8 mag in direct vision.I believe averted would approach 7 mag.

Under these conditions so many targets reveal features brightly including the mass of nebulosity in IC1318, unbelievable actually. The 15"/21E and the new and excellent Televue Nebustar II worked magic here, it is a must see.

Using the new Televue OIII (top of the top in OIIIs) Pickerings Wisp started to show features that the 24" presents easily such as a "bubble" in the tail end of the Wisp. The whole Veil was photographic like. I got hung up here for about 45 min lol!

And then there was the Pelicans head... I love this feature and obviously the NAN was very bright and again the Nebustar II proved itself again. This was a really simple observing session, no DSC and 2 eyepieces, the 21E and 10mm Delos, the latter chewing up M51 spirals so easily, another wicked sight.

I'm pumped that a mag 6.8 star showed so well in direct vision, a testament to the rains power to clean the sky and the MW showed its split brightly up over my pine trees. I need skies just like this- great seeing and super transparency to have a chance on Einsteins Cross, its too bad they both don't happen together often here. Good seeing with good trans yes but skies like tonight are just a teasing gift I recon!

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Absolutely amazing Gerry! It’s hard for me (and I’m sure many others) to comprehend what it’s like to be under skies like that. Not sure but I suspect mag 6 is about the best I’ve ever got.

It is amazing how clear the skies are after being washed clean though, I agree. We have had a fair amount recently so hopefully some clear skies will follow and be worthwhile.

Enjoy, and keep the reports coming. I wonder what a little Heritage 150P will do under those skies? Quite a lot I imagine! Planning on getting one myself when funds allow.

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Mouthwatering stuff Gerry :icon_biggrin:

I've been trying not to buy new stuff lately but I do feel a growing urge to get one of the new Tele Vue Bandmate II O-III's in my filter case for my Veil observing this Summer and Autumn :icon_biggrin:



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Just superb, felt myself being transferred over there, looking up above the pines. Good period of rain does wash out all the particles indeed. IC1318, do look forward to investigating this more comprehensibly. The observable profile of Gamma Cygni Nebula is clearly definable, the Butterfly is apparent, I would like to employ the low power arsenal, beginning with the Pan 41 on a late summer night of good transparency. Lock down measures in the UK may ease further from mid of next month, the backyard does feel restrictive and less motivational. Interesting analysis concerning the TeleVue filters. I hope that it comes together like this Gerry when the gravitational lensed quasar Einstein's Cross is present. 

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6 hours ago, Stu said:

I wonder what a little Heritage 150P will do under those skies?

I believe this telescope will excel under these conditions Stu, espc in the IC1318 area and the North American nebula. It will be perfect for the Pleiades Bubble, an object complex that I truly hope others can observe.

The f5 gives flexibility to up the mag a bit on objects like the Swan etc. It will also be perfect on the Rosette nebula and many more.

Once I can get astro equipment again, I will have the H150 sitting here for my grab and go- the H130 is actually my grand daughters that she kindly lets me use.

Skywatcher has stepped up and created another affordable, portable and super effective telescope in the H130.

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3 hours ago, John said:

I've been trying not to buy new stuff lately but I do feel a growing urge to get one of the new Tele Vue Bandmate II O-III's in my filter case for my Veil observing this Summer and Autumn

Me too, but these 2 filters are welcome additions to the permanent line up. I understand these Televue filters are individually tested, no hocus pocus surrounding batch testing and this should eliminate the "good one" issue. So unless I got "good ones" all their filters should perform this way- I never thought my 2 older Lumicons could be equaled or actually be edged out and beat.

You know, I had these 2 filters checked on an independent spectra analyser via Astrosystems and the numbers and profile were confirmed before I got them. I then put them side by side in the filter slide(s) to see what the visual differences were there. My current thought is that these filters maintain a tight profile but with better transmission- my Lumicons numbers "might" be a bit optimistic in the transmission dept.

Eventhough experts say "small" differences in transmission cannot be detected I humbly think that when it comes to tight filters we can. Oddly enough the Lumicon UHC feels tighter but the Televue Nebustar II shows more? Man, you should have seen IC1318 last night John, this is a huge area of nebulosity and the Nebustar performed beyond expectations again.

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The whole Veil wasphotographic like. I got hung up here for about 45 min lol!...

not sure but I think the first time I viewed it was in the Brecon Brecons. For me there simply is no better sight in a big dob and I still stick by what Steve said..its better  observering it than a photograph, gives you that 3D feel...great read Gerry, clear skies.

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