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The theory of the universe that we gaze at


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I have a theory that, whilst it may not satisfy your question, and may give you a few more questions as well as theoretical answers.
I am also in highschool and I'm terrible at physics so don't take anything I say to heart and always with a pinch of salt.

My first theory is about the expansion of the universe. I personally think that the universe is like a plastic bag, it has a certain amount of weight it can hold before it gives out and splits, however, since the universe is much larger than a plastic bag and infinitely stronger, it can hold a lot more weight. But, it's not just about the weight, it is about the size as well, and I think that the universe is ever expanding because of its need to hold all of the matter inside it and be able to take in new matter. And since it is always getting "heavier" in a theoretical sense, it is always expanding faster. This is why when the stars die and implode on themselves, the universe will expand faster, and will always have space for more emptiness.

This leads on to the next part of my theory, the black/dark matter. My theory is that dark matter is taken into our universe at the edge of it's reaches by the expansion, and it never decays because it hasn't been destroyed yet, which I will explain later on. I believe that once the universe expands to a certain point, put simply it will collapse into a mass merger of atoms and particles, with black/dark matter being right at the center, forced to merge and split apart into different atoms, creating new elements and new chemical reactions resulting in a new big bang born out of what we perceive to be nothingness, which in actual fact, could be classed as everything. Meaning that our universe may have been recycled many times before. This also means that there is no end to life, only a, in a scale of universal time, brief pause, before new life is created.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Yours sincerely,


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