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Heq 5 pro mount

Adidaz 29

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Hi I was slewing last night to a target when all off a sudden my motor was grinding and screeching then it like jamming up it’s 2 yrs old my mount and when I bought it I asked the shop me a belt modification on it as I was suggested to do can any one tell me if my belt is knackered or would it be bearings I would not have clue about fixing this so iam hoping the place I bought it from can fix it  any suggestions please

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Only time I have heard that kind of noise is either when the mount payload has crashed in to the pier / tripod or the worm gears are meshed too tightly and stalled the stepper motor.

If there was no equipment crash then it might be something in the worm gears that has jammed them - hard to know without inspecting them inside I guess. If you are not mechanically minded and with suitable tools it might be best to leave it to the shop to look at.


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5 hours ago, Adidaz 29 said:

Hi I was slewing last night to a target when all off a sudden my motor was grinding and screeching then it like jamming up it’s 2 yrs old my mount and when I bought it I asked the shop me a belt modification on it as I was suggested to do can any one tell me if my belt is knackered or would it be bearings I would not have clue about fixing this so iam hoping the place I bought it from can fix it  any suggestions please

Might be that the worm gear mesh has slipped and its binding on part pf the rotation, its tended to be the case that the tollerance on these mounts changes from one place to another so it can be fine at one angle and then at another it will bind as the mesh gets tighter. The sound you heard was most likely just the sound of stepper motors stalling, which can sound horrendious without anything actually getting broken.

Edited by Adam J
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