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New NexStar+ Controller - Initialize to No Response 16 & 17

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Hello Fellow Astronomers, 

Purchased a New NexStar+ Controller for my older CPC1100 as I was having issues with the older hand controller. Updated the new one from the Celestron's CFM procedures etc. Voyage use last night and turned it on after having plugged it in and I get - "Verifying Packages, Please wait" then it goes to "No Response 17, Invalid model, Cycle Power or press Back to continue (some features will not work properly)", so I press Back, and get "No Response 16, Invalid model, Cycle Power or press Back to continue (some features will not work properly)". 

Tried power cycling and still get the same message, turned off the telescope, unplugged power from it, started over again and same message. 

Went inside - found the Celestron article - https://www.celestron.com/blogs/knowledgebase/what-does-the-hand-control-message-no-response-16-and-or-no-response-17-mean - followed the steps here and same message, including charging the battery pack to full capacity to ensure it was not a power issue.  

I thought of a possible data corruption on the download. Used another computer, downloaded and uploaded it - same message. 

Followed the steps that CFM provides during the installation process about connecting the controller to the scope, then to the computer, pressing the Celestron logo button and Menu button at the same time to get "Boot Loader" on the screen, which never appeared. Just get Verifying Packages and No Response messages. 

Now, if I do press the Back button a few times, it does come to the main screen about wanting to do Alignment.

After a long time of trying to not get the No Response message, I plugged the older controller in and went to work and all motors are working, RA and Dec, was able to find targets etc, so it is not a telescope circuit board problem, but appears to be a controller problem to me. 

Is there a way to reset the controller to the place it was when I first opened it, without having to send it back? 

Open to any other ideas if there is any. 



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Update - after trying to redo the download it is still not working, so I have decided to return it. I will let the place I purchased it from know through Amazon about the problem though. 

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Yes, codes 16 and 17 basically mean something is not working for whatever reason.  I had it from my SLT mount at least once. Refreshing corrupted firmware cured the problem in this case.

I have cautioned people on more than one occasion that one should not update firmware just because one can, or in hopes that it will cure some unrelated issue.  Updating the firmware is a lot of work, and it can go wrong, as here. 

Only update firmware if you need to address a problem detailed in the 'small print' that always accompanies a firmware issue, detailing what bugs and issues  it is meant to fix.  Or if the firmware appears to have become corrupted.

You also had issues with your older controller? May be worth checking that there is not a bad connection between the controller cable and the mount. I had that happen with my C8 SE.

Edited by Cosmic Geoff
Cable issue?
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I'm no expert with these controllers but would it be worth downloading nexremote? With this you can load different firmwares and test the responses without actually updating the firmware on the physical handset. You'd need to have the serial cable attached between pc-handset.



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@Cosmic Geoff - Here is something funny or whatever, I worked for a place that we always told everyone to update their devices etc, and sometimes, the update just had it out for some things or people. And here I am updating something that I probably should have just left alone and used it right out of the box instead I was thinking and blew it. The issue I have with the older controller is somethings that are above the horizon it says exceeds slew range, or can't find the object that I punch in, and with the time I had with the newer remote, appears to be really sweet. I have my CPC on a wedge and when I selected EQ North Align, we went straight to 2 star alignment, no North Polar alignment first, I was thinking of the time saved from now on. (I hope it really is that way). 

@Mick H - Didn't know I could reset the controller, but do now. Thanks, I guess knowing is just half the battle, isn't it? 

@Bruce Leeroy OMGosh, that is so cool and good to know. More tools in the know now. 

Thanks everyone, lots of information. 


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Turned out that the remote is not compatible with the older Celestron NexStar GPS series, as per Celestron support. I have provided feedback to Amazon about updating their description that it is not compatible with all altazimuth NexStar telescopes. 

I think I saw the same type of listings on other vendors sites and as I come across them I will submit some feedback. Major disappointment though. 

Turned off GPS on the scope now, now that support suggested I do that to have it work better. Will give that a try in the near future. 

Thanks everyone for the suggestions and help. 

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Hi, just a thought have you obtained the wrong hand controller there are a number of options out there? Our sponsors website has a range of hand controllers-https://www.firstlightoptics.com/search/for/Hand+controllers/

You could also drop a line to Celestron US (I've not found Celestron UK ll that helpful tbh in the past).

Let's hope you get the matter sorted out quickly.



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Greetings, been busy with a lot of other non astronomy related issues lately. I did speak with Celestron support and was informed that the scope being like 15 years old, the newer controller will not work with the older hardware. 

I did provide feedback to Amazon where I got the controller from, but will definitely look at the link you included for sure. 

I do appreciate the help. Thanks. 


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  • 3 months later...
6 hours ago, spaceiraq said:

Was the solution completed? I have the same problem but something smells like something burnt or spoiled????

If you just would have read the thread, you would have known. That smell tells you something went seriously wrong... 

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I read all the responses, but not like me, there was a smell of spoilage

I replaced some electronic parts with new ones, but it did not work. This error appeared, and I installed a new update and the same problem. I noticed a malfunction in the control panel.


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Yeah, the newer controllers won't work on such an older telescope per Celestron support. I have since obtained a laptop (using Windows 10) and have ordered a USB to Ethernet adapter so I can use Stellarium with the scope and hopefully be more techy than using an older scope with hardware that cannot be updated. Ended up returning the newer remotes that were giving me the error codes or course. 

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  • 1 year later...

I'm trained and dangerous Electronics Tech 😛 

Here is what I did to solve this:

I had the dreaded no-response 16 and 17 errors.  The error means there's no contact with either motor controllers.  So I reasoned that it's not a motor controller issue (BOTH would have to fail for this to happen)
I looked at the connection between the Hand controller (HC) interface and the Motor controllers (MC) - and the connection looked fine (internally)
I pulled up the menu to look at the version numbers.  HC had a number but MC just showed "??.??.??"   - so there's NO communication between the MC and HC.  

I next looked at the plug itself where the Hand Controller plugs in (the RJ-11 connector).  The female receptacle had pin 3 recessed (it's supposed to spring out like the rest but was stuck down flat).
With a very small L shaped metal tool I was able to free up that one spring pin.  Then I plugged the Controller in and voila!  It now works fine.    

The female connector on these boards are very cheaply built and may very well be the main issue with these.  I hope this helps someone!!!!



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