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EQ mount storage / clutches


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Quick question on EQ mount storage. Is it ok to lift, move and store with the clutches engaged?

Much easier to handle this way, but maybe this could damage the gears?

Very basic question but can't find anything online, and there's nothing in the manual (SW AZ-EQ6).



Edited by KGX
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Hi @KGX and welcome to SGL. :hello2:

When I owned a Vixen GP (images below)...

IMG_0051.thumb.JPG.216a619401be6d13bc865743a8b5d7da.JPG  PIC021.JPG.317e3ab5bc2a32848d576782c9caf3ab.JPG

...I would move it with the RA & Dec clutches engaged and store it with them disengaged. Also removing the counter weight and removiing the counterweight shaft, when transporting the mount in my vehicle. I have read somewhere that it is best to keep the clutches disengaged and without the weights attached when stored.

I am now using alt-az mounts...


...and I ensure that both axis are unlocked* when moved and stored in their cases.

* this is recommended in the user guide/manual by AOK-Swiss; (the red mount).


BTW - what 'scope do you use? - If is a catadioptric (i.e. Mak, SCT, etc.) it is best to keep it upright, (i.e. objective cell up), so any lubricant on the baffle tube does not 'drip' on to it when not in use for long periods, especially if it it is stored in a warm environment during the summer months if not being used for long periods of inactivity... and before use; move/slide the primary up and down, (using the focusser), a few times to keep it evenly lubricated.

Edited by Philip R
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I’m using a C800 EdgeHD SCT with the Az-Eq6 mount. Have kept the packaging so I can store the scope and mount separately in their cut foam / boxes when not in use. Thanks for the advice re: storing with the objective cell up (usually, I just keep it level). Any chance of lubricant dripping down onto the corrector / secondary if kept upright?

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