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ST-80 newbie advice

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I bought myself an ST-80 refractor, not expensive, just for starters. I had a reflector several years ago but never used it to its potential. Any way few questions if possible!

I am interested in Astrophotography and ordered the Canon EOS connector, went out and had a play with my 80D attached and came away pretty happy with a few moon shots. However it was difficult to get focus, even with the focuser wound right out, I had to loosen and unscrew the "barrel" that the eyepiece holder fits into, so are there extentions? I also have a Canon 600D

I also attempted Venus, well it was an astro blob!! So advice here please! Also "doable" photography targets with this setup would be appreciated.

What accessories would make the experience more enjoyable for both the viewing and pkjotography side? Came with a red dot finder scope 12mm and 26mm Plossl eyepieces and an AZ mount.

I live in South London (Don't hold it against me!!) so light pollution is an issue.

I'd also like to meet others that I can learn from so pointers there as well!


Apologies for asking so many questions!


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Thats a nice picture. I can't answer on the focus side. However, regarding cases. You can get some flight cases on Amazon that would fit the bill. A guick google reveals:


No need to go expensive under £20 should see you sorted.


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The ST80 is a very capable small refractor, I had one but found that the mount and provided eyepieces let it down, I sold it but later picked up a 70mm travel refractor which I find is also optically excellent and with a few good eyepieces can give some brilliant views.

Consider adding a medium eyepiece, something around the 14-16mm size, e.g. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces/bst-starguider-60-18mm-ed-eyepiece.html

The ST80 is a relatively fast scope at f4.9 so the provided plossl eyepieces, while functional, are probably below the optimum quality that this scope has the potential to use.  Spending a bit more on eyepieces should be justified and improve the views.

A moon filter will certainly make observing the moon and venus much easier on the eye, something like this: https://www.firstlightoptics.com/moon-neutral-density-filters/variable-polarising-moon-filter-archived.html

You might also like to try a light pollution filter, it may help to cut out some of the false colour / background glow of street lamps etc, worth a go as I've heard people have had a lot of success with them.  I don't use them myself so couldn't recommend any particular one, it will depend on what kind of light pollution you have in your area.


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