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Ha M42


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A bit of a story.......

I was trying to capture LRGB data form my first colour image , and i did .Unfortunatly i just cant get to grips with combining the data (I have tried to follow Martins tutorial :scratch: ) but it isnt twigging with me at the moment.

SO for the Luminence data i used a Baader 7nm Ha filter and below is the result.

20x240 sec subs captured on a FLT98 with a SXVF H9


(click to enlarge)

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Its easy Steve, just combine and align them LRGB in Maxim, use the HA as lum. then go to PS under image select Mode , then Lab colour , and work on the lum image to get the best out of it , then select RGB. that way you dont touch the colour , can always tweak the colour when finished

Rog .

Not that i,m no expert on it still prefer Mono. :)

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Almost gossamer like, those swathes of nebulosity.

Steves re work has given it a real celestial look.

Anyway, to hell with the colour, I like it as it is too. It's more deep space like as it is.

But, you're gonna paint aint ya.

Ron. :)

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