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First ever sketches


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After many years of visual observing and one half-hearted attempt to get into astrophotography I have decided to keep a record of my observations by sketching. Partly spurred on by my desire to tick of all 110 messier objects.

These are my very first sketches from the last week or so.




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Thanks James,

If I ever sketch all 110 my plan is to print a photo-book of the negative images. It has added a little extra excitement to my observing sessions AND the biggest difference I have noticed is that the sketching really makes me stay on one object for longer, studying it in detail rather than flying around the night sky too fast.


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That's Brilliant Miguel. I really like your sketches, especially M1.  It appears you've actually recorded some subtle detail, perhaps without realising it. In your sketch M1 has a subtle bright V slightly off centre. If you study M1 through a telescope with good dark adaption, you'll notice it has a V shaped brightness within its nebulous gas cloud. On occasion this may look like an N rather than a V, and you may even detect spiders veins flitting in and out of view in moments of good seeing.  Thanks for posting! ☺

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Thanks Mike, I didnt try sketching for a long time because I am not artistic at all and I didnt think it would add anything to my observing.

I am definitely converted now. I think my red torch is too bright tho because my view gets damaged after starting my sketches.

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Everyone has to start somewhere Miguel. I started sketching back in the early 80's by trying to draw every Messier object I found in my 12X60 binoculars. M1 looked like someone had sneezed on the lens. Now, 40 years later, I have a wonderful record of observations, all recorded in sketch form; and each one brings back the memory of the night it was made. It's also interesting when looking through them, just how my sketching ability improved quite naturally as time went by. Yours will too, and if you attempt just one sketch now and then, you'll soon build up a valuable personal record of your observations. Sketching will also make you a more careful observer, helping you to see more than just the superficial detail. ☺

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Nicely done, excellent sketches. This is something I really wish I had a talent for, I make some very basic sketches in my recording log, a great way of recording your observations but I wish I had the artistic bent needed to capture details 

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