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Getting started with guiding

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Hi all, I've finally taken the first step into guiding, and bought the ZWO ASI 120mm mini which arrived today. 

I plan on using the 9 x 50 finderscope that came with the Skywatcher 80ED DS-Pro as a guidescope and have got the c-adapter to connect the camera, and I plan on using the ST4 connection to the SW EQ6-R Pro mount.

I've downloaded the driver for the camera, and I've downloaded PhD2. 

I'm going to have a play if the skies are clear this evening and try and get it up and running, just got a few questions to get me started:

   - Do you need to remove the lens from the camera or do you keep it on?

   - Does laptop need to be plugged into the main or can I run off battery?

   - What else do I need to do so start guiding in PhD2?







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I've got the ASI 120mm mini too, to get enough back focus I had to screw the extension on the front. Mine is attached to the Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED. I'm not using the ST4 connection as I've got Stellarmate. You should be fine to power the laptop off it's battery as long as it will last long enough for your imaging session. The ASI 120 will draw it's power from the laptop, so it won't last as long as without, but it's not a huge current draw.


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Hi Adam, I've just started looking at guiding but I haven't bought any kit yet. Just browsing websites and watching videos. I may have misunderstood but do you plan to connect directly between the mount and the camera? In the videos I watched it seemed that with PHD2 you connect your laptop both to the mount and the camera and the PHD2 software does the guiding. 




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39 minutes ago, woodblock said:

Hi Adam, I've just started looking at guiding but I haven't bought any kit yet. Just browsing websites and watching videos. I may have misunderstood but do you plan to connect directly between the mount and the camera? In the videos I watched it seemed that with PHD2 you connect your laptop both to the mount and the camera and the PHD2 software does the guiding. 




Hi Steve, yes some cameras have an ST4 port for connecting the camera to the mount, and you also still have to connect the camera to the laptop

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1 hour ago, Adam1234 said:

What do I need to do?


Focus the camera on a star.

That's it:)

You've got a nice mount so it would be better to connect the mount directly to the computer. Of you want to have a go, you need to install INDI Or ASCOM EQMOD. It's much better and easier than connecting the mount via the camera.


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4 minutes ago, alacant said:


Focus the camera on a star.

That's it:)

You've got a nice mount so it would be better to connect the mount directly to the computer. Of you want to have a go, you need to install INDI Or ASCOM EQMOD. It's much better and easier than connecting the mount via the camera.


Thanks, I thought it was probably focus, so I just aimed at at venus to focus. Done a test 5 minute exposure with good results so far, better stars than at 3 minutes unguided so that's a good start.

What cable do I need for connecting the mount to the computer?


Edited by Adam1234
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41 minutes ago, alacant said:

Hi. This one.




First attempt at guiding looks to be going well, I've managed to get some good looking 10-minute exposures of the owl nebula with lovely round stars by the look of it. Will keep going until my laptop runs out of battery, watch this space!

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/04/2020 at 22:51, alacant said:

Hi. This one.


I've decided to follow your advice and connect the mount to the laptop so that I can connect the mount to APT for plate solving etc. Which port in the mount do I attach the cable - the autoguide or hand controller port? I'm guessing probably the hc port? Is it possible to still use the hand controller if the mount is connected to the laptop?

Also, I've realised that I only have 2 USB ports on my laptop - I'm going to need a third if I'm to connect laptop to mount in addition to imaging camera (DSLR) and guide cam - can I get away with a non-powered USB hub, or do I need a powered one? If powered, I'd then need to figure out how I'd power it - I suppose I could run a long extension lead outside? (and power my laptop at the same time as I currently run it off battery, which has been sufficient so far).

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28 minutes ago, Adam1234 said:

port in the mount do I attach the cable

Hand controller.


29 minutes ago, Adam1234 said:

still use the hand controller

Not with that cable. Once you start using the direct connection, you'll realise that the HC is surplus. 

If you really do want to use the HC, you'll need a different cable.

31 minutes ago, Adam1234 said:

can I get away with a non-powered USB hub,

Yes. For mount, guide and DSLR,  a simple USB2 or USB3  hub with 4 ports works fine. I use these. No need to power it.



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46 minutes ago, alacant said:

Hand controller.


Not with that cable. Once you start using the direct connection, you'll realise that the HC is surplus. 

If you really do want to use the HC, you'll need a different cable.

Yes. For mount, guide and DSLR,  a simple USB2 or USB3  hub with 4 ports works fine. I use these. No need to power it.



Thank you for the help!

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Sorry to raise the ‘Elf and Safety’ issue, but please remember to take sensible precautions when running mains power outside in potentially damp conditions.

It may not be a big deal now, but when Autumn rolls around, trust me extension leads/plug boards can get soaking wet in heavy dew conditions, and you don’t want to be unplugging these live in the dark at the end of a session when you are cold and tired.

It sounds like you have the guiding up a running (a massive step forward on the imaging path) I used ST4 guiding for a while before switching to pulse guiding through the mount control software. Incidentally, if you haven’t already done so, get yourself a copy of “Making Every Photon Count” by Steve Richards, available from FLO, the best £20 I spent when starting out on AP.

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