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Moon 8-8-2020


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I had the sudden urge to image the moon a few days ago, I think it was all the talk of the "Pink Super Moon" rubbish that I was reading lol.

But full moon was the 8th, this image was taken around 23:30 on the 8th, but it would have been closer the evening before! 

Anyhow, these days I only have an undriven EQ3, ED80 and 450D. So i spent a lovely hour or two trying to reach focus, suddenly remember just how bloody hard this hobby is sometimes, when it really should be lol

Cannot get far enough out focus without the diagonal, cannot get far enough in focus with the diagonal Grrrrrr....!!!! 

But I had a really nice time, the sky was clear. The moon was lovely, the evening was warm and peaceful. Took 22 images with the dSLR, then packed up. Had to be up for work the next so didn't do anymore! 

Thanks to some advice here, stacked the JPGs in ASI3, wavelets in R6 and a little levels in PS CS5.

Quite pleased with the result. The individuals are slightly out of focus, and over exposed. So things to work on next time! 

Thanks for looking



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Pleased to see you back in the imaging saddle Ant.
Great looking result from 22 subs. Splendid detail too.
Who gives the Moon those weird names?

Do you intend to build your imaging rig up again?
You ought to, you turned out some good DSO's before you sold up.

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17 hours ago, barkis said:

Pleased to see you back in the imaging saddle Ant.
Great looking result from 22 subs. Splendid detail too.
Who gives the Moon those weird names?

Do you intend to build your imaging rig up again?
You ought to, you turned out some good DSO's before you sold up.

No, I think that's highly unlikely. I made a mistake selling up in the first place. Buying all the new shiny kit a while back didn't do me much good. I don't cope well with new kit, I appear to lack the ability to get used to new kit quickly and lack the patience to try...


13 hours ago, jgs001 said:

Worked nicely Ant. Good stuff.

Yeah, it did. The stacking enabled me to overcome the soft focus. So really pleased with that. I still need to pick your brains on the RAWs going into AS!3, I couldn't see how. So this is a stack of the JPGs.


4 hours ago, nightfisher said:

Thought you had dropped of the world, good to see you about, and nice image

Thanks, from an astro point of view, I pretty much have/had. I'm trying to rekindle the flame. But already struggling with the solar side, the fact that there is next to nothing going on on the sun doesn't help.

The seeing is never good enough these days for planets, lunar is OK (for me) as an occasional  thing. But the heart still yearns for the DSO imaging. But alas, the kit is too expensive, the learning curve too high, time is too short. With work, family and the weather, when the hell do you get a chance to capture the photons.



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Ant, I use LightRoom to convert the CR2 to 16 bit tif files, and load those into AS!3. (made easier by having the Adobe photographers subcription)...  I use lightroom as my image library management tool as well. The canon tools should be able to handle the conversion, and I suspect there are freebies that would also do it.


My process flow...

1) import raw to Lightroom

2) export full size (unedited) TIFs

3) Load TIF's to AS!3

4) Save result, load into Registax, apply quite gentle wavelets.

5) save result, open in photoshop, save again (registax produces a TIF that I have issues with for some reason.

6) Import EXIF information from original raw

7) Import back to Lightroom, a couple of minor tweaks (contrast, pull down highlights if needed etc, sometimes set whitebalance)

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