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What is this I've captured?


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I'm starting out learning to take nightscapes and I was testing out my new camera and lens tonight...

There's a lot wrong here...no post-editing, I was testing exposure times and I butchered the raw files into jpeg so I could quickly upload - But, have I managed to capture something interesting here? Or is this some kind of artifact? 

Nikon D5300 on a tripod
Samyang 16mm prime lens
Iso 800, F2
Single frame at 20sec exposure
(Bortle 6 sky with lots of streetlights around)


update 1.jpg


Edited by Brushman
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4 hours ago, Atreta said:

I uploaded your cropped image to nova astrometry and it solved this: 


Using stellarium i looked for V Cas and zoomed in and it showed that c/2017 T2 PANSTARRS  seems to be around that area.

I was using Sky Safari to try and solve this myself and it said that PANSTARRS was much higher in Cassiopeia - is Sky Safari not as accurate with comets or something? 


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4 hours ago, Brushman said:

I was using Sky Safari to try and solve this myself and it said that PANSTARRS was much higher in Cassiopeia - is Sky Safari not as accurate with comets or something? 


I'm sorry, It looks correct, i misplaced it "near" the wrong star. It was nearer Segin (  ε cas). 

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