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Eratosthenes and Copernicus


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After a mixed weather day, s super clear sky emerged around 9pm and I was able to get a couple of hours on the area around Copernicus. So much detail to see. The 5mm ep made a rare outing of its box and I was able to see the small line of volcanic sink holes between the two craters.

Nice to see Stadius the sunken crater in the middle. In another part of the surface I found Fra Mauro (aka Mickey Mouse).

I tried to capture the lighter areas by pre-shading the paper and then using a soft eraser.


Edited by Fraunhoffer
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I too was looking in this area at the same time. Conditions were very steady so I was able to use x 330 mag - it felt as if I was orbiting the moon. Copernicus was magnificent - there was no way I could draw the detail of the terraces. Mike

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