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Thought I'd pop my head above the parapet


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I've been interested in 'the heavens' for some years. Space fascinates me as does everything contained within it

I'm quite embarrassed to admit that I've never owned a telescope. My interest (up to now) has been with reading books on...., watching TV programmes about...., and listening to radio broadcasts regarding.... astronomy

However, now is the time to get out of my armchair and actually do some observing!

It's nice to be here and I'll talk with you soon :(

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Hello Mark and welcome to the SGL forum :(

lightbucket's idea is a good one to get you started - learning your way around the night sky without having to spend a lot of dosh. A planisphere or sky map is also a good idea!

In the meantime, whilst learning the sky, you can ask lots of questions and refine your ideas about just what you want a telescpe to do - and then spend your money.

Anyway, welcome aboard.


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Thanks to you all for your welcomes :D

Binos from Lidl, lightbucket? You're more likely to find winos in Lidl..... :(

Seriously Mark, those 10 x 50 Bressers from Lidl are great binos for the price, and they're in stock now.

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Thanks to you all for your welcomes :lol:

Binos from Lidl, lightbucket? You're more likely to find winos in Lidl..... :D

Seriously Mark, those 10 x 50 Bressers from Lidl are great binos for the price, and they're in stock now.

You know what? I already have a pair of Centon 12 x 50 binoculars. I'd forgotten all about them! :oops:

Just been trying them out through the back windows. They're pretty damn good

I can't for the life of me remember when I got them. Must have been years ago

I'm now looking forward to a clear night so I can have a good look at the moon :(

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