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Funny thing a clear sky - Orion mosaic

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it's like flocking to the beach though only shares being outside as it was quite cold 🙂

The thought is to build a mosaic of the Orion constellation area so this is tile 1 centred on Betelgeuse.

Clear then clouds but was so nice being outside I sat and waited and the clouds cleared again. I have found a away to reliably set this Virtuoso mount up for my viewing location and that is align on the star in the area I want to centre the image on and then choose the second star as Polaris, whilst some might say not ideal I am very restricted in what stars I can see with street lights and I can't actually see Polaris but the mount tracks very well if I use this method. First I use a three way level to level the base and a compass to align the base to magnetic North.

Canon 1100d unmodded and the Canon 85mm f1.8 lens at f4 and ISO 800  and 30 second exposures plus a flocked flower pot on the lens. The lens wide open does exhibit some CA and I prefer the star shapes at f4 I just need to sort an aperture mask as my step down rings are probably not enough and I think I would prefer to loose the 8 blade spikes. I control the camera using my phone and DSLR Controller and this worked well as initial alignment on Betelgeuse was by eye (although have a RDT in the camera hot shoe with the mount on a chair was very low to get head to see through it) so used the phone screen to fine tune Betelgeuse to being centred).

The first DSS stack included 64 lights (out of 79) and I edited the list down to 58 removing a few more cloud effected and this improved the output and the first list produced some haze bloat around Betelgeuse. Flats, dark flats bias and darks also used. I'm using DSS 4.2.3 ad the setting of No white balance processing. Processed in StarTools 1.6.682 and the colour matrix for the 1100d. Rezised 50% down using InfanView (PSP doesn't create such a good image and IrfanView is fab). Astronmetry for the platesolve. The image did drop into the light dome so had to use an aggressive wipe to remove the strong light gradient from the bottom 1/3.

I also find it difficult to know when to stop stretching as to whether to suppress the stars or bring out more and not noise. I'm pleased to see the dark rift lines they add interest. Hopefully can have another go Sunday.


Autosave001 v3.jpg


Edited by happy-kat
swapped resized png for full size jpg
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I have been lining up Stellarium and rotating and matching the platesolve and I am pleased that the heavier star area lines up with the light of the milkyway swathe, so not noise. If I could do longer exposures I guess it would collect the cloudiness of it, the barn door is stored away at the moment.

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What a bonus got out again tonight and the same alignment method worked well on tracking. Tonight I aligned on Rigel but then swung to M78. This being roughly midway from Betelgeuse to Orion, if it's clear tomorrow I hope to target Orion in my planned mosaic. I was chuffed to find Orion so clear on a 30 second image so I took 5 to see what the frame will be like. I took around 90 images tonight.

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Hi Happy-Kat

That is a fantastic pic of Betelgeuse. I cant believe how many stars we dont get to see when observing Orion. I look forward to seeing the complete mosaic  With the remaining prominent stars and central Nebula. When do you think you with have the next pic available? 


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42 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

ooh just found another 71 lights to add to my stack for Orion from Sunday, will see what that adds, plus they are all 30 seconds.

Hi Happy-Kat

Nebula looking nice and colourful above! I look forward to seeing the the image with the additional lights!





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Thank you

I've got 5 separate panels to stack, ideally need at least one more clear night so can reach the rosette for a panel. This Orion stack is just to see what the data looks like as there will be many stacking artifact edges as I've got 6 groups of different sets in the stack but it's an hour of data and I couldn't resit seeing what it'll be like.

I think over all I'm looking at 7 panel mosaic when finished (if ICE will stitch them).

Edited by happy-kat
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This is tile 2 and was centred on M78 an interesting emissions nebula though I get just a splodge. I am going to reprocess it and check the startools log file to check the stretch was the same as the intensity of the background varies a bit on pixel peeping.


I rotated for the platesolve as better matched the first image.


Edited by happy-kat
added platesolve
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Thanks Andy.

StarTools uses a log file to record user activity of processing, it is great, coupled with STReplay can replay bits or all of a session though STReplay works with 1.5 but not 1.6 yet I don't think.

startools.log file in the StarTools folder, it is a text file.

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haha I have walked a little too far East but I at least know which bits of Orion are still missing. This is a rough quick process of frames 3,4 and 5 and a stitch to see what is where with a platesolve on astrometry.net. I think the reduced resolution used on astrometry.net may be the reason why many of the DSO are not labeled.

I will be processing some of the frames to improve consistency across the set. 


Platesolve here showing the missing bits of Orion.


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I can pick out these

NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Cluster and the Cone Nebula
NGC 2237 Rosette Nebula
IC 434 Horsehead Nebula
NGC 2024 Flame Nebula
NGC 1990
M43 NGC 1982 Mairan's Nebula
M42 NGC1976 Great Nebula in Orion
NGC 1977 Running Man Nebula
M78 NGC 2068 a reflection nebula

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Thank you both

Current issue is chasing down this gradient cause. I thought I would try a sequator stack (still creates not nice purple flared stars with my data) but was useful in confirming at least a two image overlap through the bottom of M42. It is not in the lights so weirdly that leaves the calibration files to check.


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  • 3 months later...

I never got to finish this project as Orion moved into the streetlight, but I did make the aperture masks for this lens

A cardboard carrier that push fits onto the lens. Inside first goes one of three sized masks. F2, F3 and F4. All flocked. Yet to be tested in use.


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