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Daystar Scout First Light


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Happy New Year everyone!

I finished last year with the first light on my first solar telescope. I had problems getting the focus and exposure right, and never really got there, but we live and learn.

Using the video below I think I found that instead of changing the exposure I should have set the exposure to 10ms and used the gain to see the chromosphere or prominences. I couldn't see the granulation at all during capture and could only see it after processing. I didn't see any prominences, I think due to overexposure. I did take some captures for prominences but it just shows a white disk.

I also went to a fell-side road to capture the images to get a clear view of the horizon, it was impromptu for outreach, two groups of people came to see what I was doing. When I got back I noticed that I could see the sun from my to floor, I think that could be a good site with the window open for winter sun and the garden when the sun is higher.I know it's not recommended for night time due to air currents, but during the day they may be less if the inside/outside temperature is closer. Does anyone capture from an open window?

I know the sun is quiet the moment, but hopefully as I get better the sun will get more active. :hello2:


01 Disk 31-12-2019-01.jpeg



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  • 2 weeks later...

Good start, I guess you're using the ZWO ASI178MM, that's what I use with the LuntLS60 with good results so you should soon be up to speed if only the Sun would come to life, focusing is much easier with a nice black sunspot.

@xtreemchaos does all his solar imaging through a window.


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  • 1 month later...
20 hours ago, Solar B said:

It's probably a little early yet given the weather here , perhaps around May 🙄

What may i ask are you doing with the PST etalon ?


Oh I know what you mean, we have similar weather here in Washington state.

I am disassembling the PST to see how it works.

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