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When To Clean?

Carbon Brush

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I just had to post this one. My 250 dob is currently on loan to an amateur radio club. They are beginning to show interest in the world outside of their shacks!

A few days ago I showed the dob to a member who had not seen it before. There was the slack jaw and 'wow' when I opened the storeroom door. He was expecting something 4" refractor size!

When prepping the scope in the summer I cleaned the mirror. It had suffered from being left uncapped by the previous owner - pointing to the sky. Most of the muck came off without a brillo pad.
I chose to leave a couple of stubborn bits of muck rather than risk damage. The mirror is otherwise very good (in my opinon anyway).

I showed him the mirror. Instead of seeing the really bright dinner plate, he concentrated on the couple of leftover bits. Announcing 'that needs cleaning!'
A good example of why I left detailed instructions on storage after use - and a big message on not touching mirrors!


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A few speckles will not interfere with the performance of the mirrors.... clean as rarely an possible, but I personally use isopropanyl alcohol and distilled water, I never need to touch the mirror when cleaning as it dries streak free and clean like new.


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Not cleaning as such but I was amazed that my guide scope was still guiding fairly well when it was frosted over the other night, dust shows how little effect a bit of dust a stuff has on things. I have cleaned my front corrector plate of the Sc  as it had a little oil or grease on the inside caused by adding a piggyback scope rail. Apart from that I don't think I have touched any of mine, eyepieces got more attention maybe.


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