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Cornish stargazing


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Hi all , my wife and I are hopeing to move down to Cornwall next year , and just wondered if there was anyone on here that lives there already , we haven't got any specific area just depends on the right property .. ..  but I wanted to ask how they find the weather down there for our hobby ..  I'm down there from this Saturday for a weeks holiday near musehole .. ..  

Thanks Brian 


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Hey Brian,

I dont live there but do spend a lot of time there (when I can) i spend a lot of time around Crantock which is a small village near Newquay. I've seen some great skies from there before - the coastlines away from Newquay have very little LP but I guess if you head inland a bit things will improve even more.  I can't imagine you'd ever be very far from some good bottle 3 skies.

The only weather issue you might face, is the wind off the Atlantic.. 🤨


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Thanks Mark ..  that west coast ,even though its my favourite, is probably an area we will try and stay away from due to the fact that it does take the brunt of the Atlantic weather ..  but who knows it the right property turns up we could be there ..  

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Good luck with the move Brian. I'm a mile from the North coast between Port Isaac and Tintagel. Bortle 3 or better. Away from the major towns the skies should be fine. As you say the North coast is more wild, generally having harsher weather and rougher seas compared to the South coast. I'm fairly high up at 190m so seems to attract any fog/drizzle that is around too. :(


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Bortle 3 skies here north of Bude.  Bortle 2 a few miles further north around Hartland point, which is Devon of course. When it's clear here it can be really good. But, as you say @Brian28, the Atlantic weather first makes landfall here on this north Cornwall coast. In fact it's blowing a hooley and raining cats and dogs out there right now.  So, in summary when it's good it's very good, but it can be pretty dire too. 

Something I would also say, which I realise doesn't quite apply to what you're thinking of doing, it's better to live somewhere than to just visit as we do. Good clear skies  are rare enough in this country. But if you also just spend some fraction of your time somewhere as we do this reduces the number of useful clear nights considerably. 

Better to move somewhere new when you're younger too. 

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Thanks guys for your comments , I didn't even bring my equipment down this week , all my weather apps are showing cloudy nights all week .. so I'm just going to enjoy my holiday 😁, and finding possible house locations ..  

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