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Garage rooftop observatory?


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Is this a completely mad idea? It came about whilst idly playing about with Photoshop.

One problem with my current obs is that my garage blocks the lower part of my crucial southern view. So I thought 'why not turn the problem into the solution? Put a dome of the roof of the garage'.  I could mount the pier onto the dividing wall for stability.

Am I completely mad? What about the structural integrity of the roof? And given that I have hardly any money, could it be done cheaply? Perhaps I could do it with something simpler than a dome? Obviously, any heat rising from the cars below could be a problem.


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42 minutes ago, lukebl said:

Is this a completely mad idea? It came about whilst idly playing about with Photoshop.

One problem with my current obs is that my garage blocks the lower part of my crucial southern view. So I thought 'why not turn the problem into the solution? Put a dome of the roof of the garage'.  I could mount the pier onto the dividing wall for stability.

Am I completely mad? What about the structural integrity of the roof? And given that I have hardly any money, could it be done cheaply? Perhaps I could do it with something simpler than a dome? Obviously, any heat rising from the cars below could be a problem.


Hi, i work in construction and i can safely say that the idea is great in principle but it will not come cheap! There's a lot of things to consider! Planning permission, structural surveys, major construction works, neighbours opposition, access, high costs, unforeseen construction issues, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc! All that being said, this is only my opinion, and i'm sure if you were passionate enough, and really put the work in to research the idea and get quotes, ideas etc, i see no reason why it can't be achieved! Just please DO NOT spend a penny until you have found out about local planning laws/issues and only get quotes from people/firms you know you can trust and who have years of documented excellent building work to back up their claims! I can't stress highly enough how important it is to research and find reputable, well run building firms/companies who you can trust! There are a lot of con-men around and they will promise you anything they think they need to in order to get your money! Please be super careful! Do your homework and always write contracts for works to be done and pay in agreed stages of construction as per stage completed and inspected etc. I wish you the best of luck sir!

Wes. Liverpool. 

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Ok I did something similar in 90s.

My backyard over looked houses on all 3 sides. And all the the houses were 2 story plus attics then roof. I guess similar to your house but boxed in all around so sky views were 100x worse 

What I did is open up the attic up. It had no opening. Put stairs going up. Re support the joist since they were only 2x4 supporting just the under side ceiling.then plywood then vinyl flooring

The roof was a peak like a frame. Hire contractor took one side of the peak off make  it flat then a wall.

Only floor was insulated since it wanted liveable space so now insulate all4 walls drywall mud tape prime paint baseboards, lighting new outlets switches.

Then put a door going on to flat part of the roof. Make a wood deck 14x14 ft and  wood fence 6ft tall blocking any stray light.

View was 1000% better and no street lights since now I was above them, the deck blocked rest.

Doing this cost alot. I didnt get a permit for any of this. And the deck being wooden and on top of a wood frame flat roof had medium vibrations. 

I had that for 5 years untill my neighbor complained after we no longer were friends.

I had to take down whole deck. Tear down the roof that I made flat re put a frame to oringinal way and take out door leading outside.

I was able to keep the room but since it was only 7 ft tall a frame only middle part was walkable. The rest area u had to bend down. So room basically a storage rm.

So u decide if that happen to u.

Or just move your scope 10 or 20 feet over to see other part if the sky cost nothing cept lighting power.

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