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Wednesday Promfest. 18-9-19


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some nice proms on show today, seeing here is very fazey and hazey but im glad to catch something.

kit starwave 102 f11, quark, asi 120mc.

thanks for looking. clear skys. charl.

prom upper oncoming limb. 


 prom midway off going limb. don't know what happened with the colour here.


proms lower oncoming limb.


nice faint prom upper off going limb.


bonus shot. this is straight from staxing no post processing. for a laugh . feel free to have a play.



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Nice prom's Charl, only just getting around to setting up, really need to start earlier before the seeing goes to pot, it got really bad yesterday by the time I started imaging, had to fit the .5x focal reducer to have a hope of focusing.


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Same here on the seeing. Violent thermal agitation from early morn [7am]  right through to lunch time.
Both moon and sun results were a four letter word beginning with... p.. for poor. :blush:
Is it the wind or the weather system stirring it up? Worst I've ever seen it. :crybaby2:

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thanks Dave, yea I had the reducer in today, to tell the truth ive been using it a lot just lately mate, I was a bit late too the alarm went off a 7.45 am but decided to have another 5 min and it was 9.15 before I knew it, Im good up to 11am now we are heading into winter ill be going to duel scopes in a week or so. clear skys. charl. 

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I don't think my skys are as bad as yours mate, apart from the haze it was manageable here the staxing gets rid of the fazing. im like a fisherman and the one what got away," it was this big {                                                                                } but really its this big {                               } 😀. hope your weather improves. charl.

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1 hour ago, Debo said:

Nice images Charl, I had a look this morning but blowed if I could see any proms ☹️

Check Gong Ha to save time searching.
I always look first for the practice.
Then at Gong Ha to confirm what I may have missed. 
The images are updated frequently.
It is not uncommon to find more proms than Gong shows.
Some of the observatories seem to be better at showing subtle surface detail than proms.


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