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Baader Morpheus 4.5mm


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Have been thinking abput getting one of the Baader Morpheus 76° 4.5mm eyepieces as my high power eyepiece (for lunar / planetary) use in my Bresser 10” f5 dob. 

Have found reviews for the longer focal lengths but not much on the 4.5mm.

Edited by johninderby
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I've not used the 4.5mm..  I have used the 9mm, 14mm and 17.5mm and found them all to be first rate eyepieces: in fact I sold my Pentax 14mm XW in favour of the Morpheus.

I have no reason to believe the 4.5mm will be any less good than the others, and I for one don't get phased by a little bit of EOFB!

Here's a review I found of the 4.5mm on CN..



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CN does have it’s share of biased opinions but also some genuine opinions and after wading through the lot and ignoring the rubbish I am coming to the conclusion that the 4.5 is indeed an excellent planetary eyepiece and a bit of EOFB is not a problem for planetary use anyway.

Hmmm......£149.00 at Astroshop. 🤔🤔🤔  

Edited by johninderby
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I bought one a while back at the aforementioned Astroshop for £149. I also have the 6.5, 9, 12.5 and 17.5. I purposely avoided the 14mm. I use them in scopes ranging from F4.7 - F11.8.
My only other eyepieces for comparison are some Orion Plossls, a Vixen LVW 22mm and the Baader Zoom VI.

The 4.5mm is my least used, for all but lunar. It is sharp across the FOV, and I really like the high contrast across the range. There is however a definite brightening at the edge of field, at least 10%, and it is noticeable. It doesn't distract me, but it is there and is not present on the others in the range. 

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Apologies, I dont possess the level of experience to probably give you the information you require. what i would add is i am a glasses wearer and find the eye relief superb. The sweetspot is huge compared to the plossls I own. i also really dont notice lateral colour in the slower scopes. i only really notice it in the fast dob, but then i see it with all the EP's i have. And that's about as much as i can tell you.

Edited by steveex2003
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Hi John, I only have the Morpheus 6.5mm, and I do have the ES 4.7mm 82 degrees, so not a direct comparison, but in my f5 Dob I find the Morpheus to be streets ahead of the ES. Sharper, clearer, better colour rendition and  much more comfortable to use.

If these qualities are also found in the 4.5mm Morpheus then it will be no contest for me.

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  • 1 month later...
On 13/09/2019 at 08:06, johninderby said:

Thanks forthe opinions. Has helped me make up my mind.

Hi John, it's been a month or so now and I'm interested to know your thoughts of the 4.5mm Morpheus in your f5 Dob.

I realise the weather has been particularly uncooperative over the last month, have you had a chance yet.

I'm sorely tempted to get one to compliment my 6.5mm which I love.


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Larry,

With what scope do you notice this CA?

William Paolini made reference to some colour aberration in his appraisal on CN of the Morpheus range. But only noticed it with large aperture reflectors.

3.d. Off-Axis Performance (Dob with Paracorr, SCT, and Refractors)


Star points remained sharp to the edge in all telescopes, without exhibiting any impacting field curvature or astigmatism, including in a standard 8" SCT which are more noted for their field curvature, and in the fast f/4.7 Dob with a Tele Vue Paracorr coma corrector in place.  The only aberration noted was some degree of lateral color, primarily on brighter stars when using the larger 8" and 10" aperture telescopes when the bright star or limb of the Moon was placed in the outer portion of the AFOV close to the field stop.  The smaller aperture of the refractors did not generate much of any noticeable lateral color compared to the larger mirrored instruments. The 14mm and 12.5mm showed the most lateral color, but still at a level I would characterize as well controlled, and starting at a point about 20% from the field stop in the Dob (oddly lateral color in the 8" SCT seemed less than in the 10" Dob).  Moving to the Morpheus focal lengths shorter than the 12.5mm, lateral color was even less, and only showing at about 10% from the field stop.  Overall good lateral color control for such a wide AFOV.


I still desire the 4.5mm Morpheus to use with my 12 inch Dob and am not too concerned about off axis imperfections. Just anxiously waiting for @johninderby to give me the kick up the rear I need, come on John! :) 

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I'm pretty certain you'll get lateral colour with any wide angle eyepiece.  It's just the nature of the beast. There's noticeable LC with my 17.5mm Morpheus but I don't notice anything around stars, just the moon; but its not a lunar eyepiece. My narrower field pseudo Masuyama's are free of false colour. Horses for courses I suppose.

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4 hours ago, mikeDnight said:

I'm pretty certain you'll get lateral colour with any wide angle eyepiece.  It's just the nature of the beast. There's noticeable LC with my 17.5mm Morpheus but I don't notice anything around stars, just the moon; but its not a lunar eyepiece. My narrower field pseudo Masuyama's are free of false colour. Horses for courses I suppose.

There varying degrees of edge LC with wide angle eyepieces.  I find it noticeable and intrusive with my 30mm ES-82, but almost non-existent in my 30mm APM UFF.  It's quite noticeable in my 13mm and 17mm AT AF70 eyepieces, but almost non-existent in my 12mm and 17mm ES-92 eyepieces.  As far as Morpheus eyepieces, it's quite noticeable, along with field curvature and astigmatism, in my 14mm's outer 15%, but all are pretty much non-existent in my 9mm.  I have no experience with the 4.5mm.

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