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Mercury Transits Sun - 2019 NOV 11


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Mercury will appear to transit the disk of the Sun on 2019 NOV 11 for observers in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Near East and New Zealand. This will be the last Mercury transit until 2032, and until 2049 for North Americans.

As with a Solar Eclipse, great care must be taken to protect eyes. If not accompanied by an expert in solar viewing, it may be wise to simply watch online live videos of the transit.

My graphic is for a fictional geocentric observer with X-ray vision. The timings are in Universal Time (UT) and will differ slightly by various amounts for topocentric observers.

Photos and descriptions of the transit would be welcome additions to this thread.


Edited by CentaurZ
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I hope there won't be clouds on this particular afternoon! For me, it starts at 13:37 and ends when Mercury and Sun disappear behind the buildings to my southwest, around 16:30.

Thanks for warning us well in advance. It's an afternoon worth keeping free on our calendars!




Edited by Ruud
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2 hours ago, Stu said:

These posts would be great in the Celestial Events calendar if you would consider putting them in there too CentaurZ? That way when the event comes around members will be alerted to them.

Actually, Stu, I posted it in the "Celestial Events Heads Up" forum a few minutes before posting it here.  😎

Edited by CentaurZ
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