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Eagle Nebula - M16

Stub Mandrel

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This is always going to be one of the toughest targets for me, low down in the LP and through a lot of atmosphere. I'd tried to get mono data but I coudln't get the little touptec to reliably download long exposures 😞 So I changed to DSLR for this.

The poor conditions on 1 September meant I lost the guide star a lot and so 30-odd frames gave me just 12 decent subs.

The image is quite soft compared to the lower down M15 Swan Nebula a from a  week before, showing just how exceptional the conditions were on 25 August.



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22 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

It's not quite up to Hubble's 'Pillars of Creation' though is it? 🙂

Er neither was mine, in fact I have to confess I didn't know they were there at all and even then can only just see them. I post my effort here so you can see how well you did do, mine was about 3 hours I think


I tried to mask the stars in another but made a mess. must try again.

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27 minutes ago, alan potts said:

Er neither was mine, in fact I have to confess I didn't know they were there at all and even then can only just see them. I post my effort here so you can see how well you did do, mine was about 3 hours I think


I tried to mask the stars in another but made a mess. must try again.

Broken Link I'm afraid, Alan.


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42 minutes ago, Stub Mandrel said:

It's not quite up to Hubble's 'Pillars of Creation' though is it? 🙂

Neither was my last attempt.... or my previous one!

It's an iconic target, and it's a great feeling to capture it from the UK.

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