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Jupiter from 24 August

Stub Mandrel

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It really is misery time here! My car overheated - turned out when I fitted a new thermostat the spring clip on a hose was the type that clips wide open. In queues of traffic today I gradually lost most of the water although the pipe didn't blow off and held some pressure. Managed to get another few hundred yards to the co-op and once it cooled a bit topped up with a litre of pre-mix and five-litre bottle of mineral water.

Well to cheer myself up here's a couple of Jupiters from the first of the recent clear nights. I tried drizzling the best one 1.5 times and found it precessed better in registax wavelets than astra deconvolution. Not bad for such a low target and 6" scope.






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That's very impressive Neil. I thought I was doing well with my Saturn from the 25th but your Jupiter beats that hands down.

I'm going back to have another go at processing my captures and see if I can't get them a bit clearer.

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2 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Very nice set of images. I definitely prefer the first images, much nicer sharper detail than the drizzled image.

Thanks, it's difficult to know when to stop thrashing the data! There's a touch more detail in the  drizzled one. Some people stack a drizzled version then  downsample, which might be worth a try.

Personally I think the one with the moons also has the best Jupiter. Moons and planet got exactly the same processing, which is why Callisto is so faint.

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6 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:

Thanks, it's difficult to know when to stop thrashing the data! There's a touch more detail in the  drizzled one. Some people stack a drizzled version then  downsample, which might be worth a try.

Personally I think the one with the moons also has the best Jupiter. Moons and planet got exactly the same processing, which is why Callisto is so faint.

Yes very difficult to know. I was out on Sunday night, 1st time for ages, I jave been doing exactly that since yesterday  🙂

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